The Best Investment You Will Ever Make !
With property prices constantly rising the Great Granny Flat allows you to utilize your existing backyard land while providing quality accommodation for your children or tenant at a fraction of the cost of purchasing a new property or expensive building cost.
Your children or parents can enjoy luxury self contained accommodation while maintaining independence as they save for their future home. When your children move on you can rent it out as an investment or if your home becomes too large for you, move in to the Great Granny Flat yourself and rent out your house for the extra income.
On their land or yours! The Great Granny Flat is great alternative to assist with bond payment instead of selling up the family home when the property becomes difficult to maintain. If you sell the family home you miss out on all the future capital growth. Alternatively, install a Great Granny Flat on your land and keep your parents close whilst still maintaining their independence in a separate residence. Alternatively rent out the Granny Flat and reduce your existing bond.
The ultimate return for investors! Install a Great Granny Flat on your existing investment property to dramatically increase your returns. Installation of your Great Granny Flat is complete in around 2 weeks, keeping the site tidy and causing minimal inconvenience to the existing occupants.
With the additional income you will receive – we’re confident your new yield will be unsurpassed. Solid, quality construction, materials and inclusions will maximize your income And invite a high caliber of tenant. Let one of our consultants do the sums to show you how this investment can help you !
Now see how you can benefit in the short term and long term with an Investment of just R69,900 for a Granny Flat unit !
e.g. Current Bond Amount R200,000 Bond Period : 240 months (20 years) Interest Rate : 9% Repayment Amount : R1,799 per month Investment in Granny Flat : R70,000 Total repayment in 240 months (20 years) : R431,868 New Bond Amount R270,000 Repayment on new bond amount: R2,429
Potential Earnings of R2000 added to bond payment of R2,429 = R4,429 Repayment period is now months Which equates to a savings of R220,756 In months ONLY TOTAL BENEFIT IN 240 MONTHS R821,905 Not including Inflation on Rental CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO MAKE THIS INVESTMENT ?
Investment R69,900 REPAYMENT Approx R650 per month RENTAL INCOME R2000 to R3000 PM RENTAL INCREASE OF 10% PER YEAR
Contact us NOW ! Call Or view our sample at Jan Smuts Highway Sherwood - Durban
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