Creating Synergies in RTDI policy in South East Europe WBC-INCO.NET and Related Activities: Objectives, Achievements, Recent Developments Elke Dall, Zentrum.


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Presentation transcript:

Creating Synergies in RTDI policy in South East Europe WBC-INCO.NET and Related Activities: Objectives, Achievements, Recent Developments Elke Dall, Zentrum für Soziale Innovation Innovation Dialogue Forum Becici/Montenegro, 08. November 2010

Context Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries established in June 2006 (Austrian Presidency & EC DG Research) SEE-science.EU, the Information Office of the Steering Platform and SEE-ERA.NET (development of a pilot joint call for research project proposals -> joint programme & action plan) and other projects were funded in FP6 Further Coordination and Specific Support Actions, WBC-INCO.NET to coordinate research policies (started 2008), other projects, follow-up activities and extentions were funded in FP7 (and other programmes) Recent development: WBC-INCO.NET has been ENHANCED (pro-longued till 2013, deepened and widened with a focus on innovation policy)

Context: Needs in the Balkans Create research and innovation friendly environments Increase expenditure on RTDI (low BERD as special weakness) Specific support of applied research Strengthen connection between basic and applied research Enhance RTD capacity of industry and SMEs Improve strategy development and implementation Increase capacity to exploit policies and funding offered by EU …

Steering Platform on Research Regular meetings conveyed by –European Commission –Council Presidency –Western Balkan countries Current co-chairs are EC, Montenegro, Belgium handing over to EC, FYR of Macedonia, Hungary Members: EU27 + AC + EC Supported by WBC-INCO.NET (logistically, administrative) Next meeting will be held: on Wednesday

Guidelines (Mission) The Platform facilitates the interaction between the Western Balkan Countries, the EU member states, the candidate and potential candidate countries and other states associated to the Framework Programmes for RTD and the European Commission. Its main objective is to support the enhanced integration of the WBCs in the European Research Area. It is a strategic body to deal with European, multilateral and regional issues of Science and Technology policies in and with the WBCs. It acts as an information exchange centre, clearing house for joint ideas and activities, and coordination forum for needs, suggestions and proposals of the WBCs to the European Commission, the EU27, Candidate and Potential Countries and the countries associated to FP7 (AC) and vice versa. In this spirit, the Platform continues and intensifies the progress achieved under the EU-Balkan Countries Action Plan on Science and Technology.

What is being discussed? Opening Stocktaking Involving SME/private sector in research cooperation Research for the benefit of SMEs From Research to Innovation Conclusions

Partners in WBC-INCO.NET 1. ZSI (Austria)- Coordinator2. MOES (Albania)3. MZOS (Croatia) 4. MON-MK (FYR of Macedonia) 5. MPIN (Montenegro)6. MSTD (Serbia) 7. SUS BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 8. MPI (Serbia)9. Ivo Pilar (Croatia) 10. KEC (Kosovo/UNMIK)11. CIVET (Albania)12. SBRA (Slovenia) 13. SEERC (Greece)14. UNU-MERIT (Netherlands)15. JRC (Belgium/Spain) 16. PT-DLR (Germany)17. FFG (Austria)18. TÜBITAK (Turkey) 19. GSRT (Greece)20. MHEST (Slovenia)21. BMWF (Austria) 22. BMBF (Germany)23. MES-CRA (Bulgaria)24. TURBO (Belgium/Turkey) 25. APRE (Italy)26. MCA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 27. DDSME (Montenegro) 28. MOE-MK (FYR of Macedonia) 29. METE (Albania)

Partners in WBC-INCO.NET Ministries for RTDI in WBC 1. ZSI (Austria)- Coordinator2. MOES (Albania)3. MZOS (Croatia) 4. MON-MK (FYR of Macedonia) 5. MPIN (Montenegro)6. MSTD (Serbia) 7. SUS BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 8. MPI (Serbia)9. Ivo Pilar (Croatia) 10. KEC (Kosovo/UNMIK)11. CIVET (Albania)12. SBRA (Slovenia) 13. SEERC (Greece)14. UNU-MERIT (Netherlands)15. JRC (Belgium/Spain) 16. PT-DLR (Germany)17. FFG (Austria)18. TÜBITAK (Turkey) 19. GSRT (Greece)20. MHEST (Slovenia)21. BMWF (Austria) 22. BMBF (Germany)23. MES-CRA (Bulgaria)24. TURBO (Belgium/Turkey) 25. APRE (Italy)26. MCA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 27. DDSME (Montenegro) 28. MOE-MK (FYR of Macedonia) 29. METE (Albania)

Partners in WBC-INCO.NET RTDI ministries in MS/AC 1. ZSI (Austria)- Coordinator2. MOES (Albania)3. MZOS (Croatia) 4. MON-MK (FYR of Macedonia) 5. MPIN (Montenegro)6. MSTD (Serbia) 7. SUS BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 8. MPI (Serbia)9. Ivo Pilar (Croatia) 10. KEC (Kosovo/UNMIK)11. CIVET (Albania)12. SBRA (Slovenia) 13. SEERC (Greece)14. UNU-MERIT (Netherlands)15. JRC (Belgium/Spain) 16. PT-DLR (Germany)17. FFG (Austria)18. TÜBITAK (Turkey) 19. GSRT (Greece)20. MHEST (Slovenia)21. BMWF (Austria) 22. BMBF (Germany)23. MES-CRA (Bulgaria)24. TURBO (Belgium/Turkey) 25. APRE (Italy)26. MCA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 27. DDSME (Montenegro) 28. MOE-MK (FYR of Macedonia) 29. METE (Albania)

Partners in WBC-INCO.NET Support institutes in WBC 1. ZSI (Austria)- Coordinator2. MOES (Albania)3. MZOS (Croatia) 4. MON-MK (FYR of Macedonia) 5. MPIN (Montenegro)6. MSTD (Serbia) 7. SUS BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 8. MPI (Serbia)9. Ivo Pilar (Croatia) 10. KEC (Kosovo/UNMIK)11. CIVET (Albania)12. SBRA (Slovenia) 13. SEERC (Greece)14. UNU-MERIT (Netherlands)15. JRC (Belgium/Spain) 16. PT-DLR (Germany)17. FFG (Austria)18. TÜBITAK (Turkey) 19. GSRT (Greece)20. MHEST (Slovenia)21. BMWF (Austria) 22. BMBF (Germany)23. MES-CRA (Bulgaria)24. TURBO (Belgium/Turkey) 25. APRE (Italy)26. MCA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 27. DDSME (Montenegro) 28. MOE-MK (FYR of Macedonia) 29. METE (Albania)

Partners in WBC-INCO.NET Support institutes in MS/AC 1. ZSI (Austria)- Coordinator2. MOES (Albania)3. MZOS (Croatia) 4. MON-MK (FYR of Macedonia) 5. MPIN (Montenegro)6. MSTD (Serbia) 7. SUS BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 8. MPI (Serbia)9. Ivo Pilar (Croatia) 10. KEC (Kosovo/UNMIK)11. CIVET (Albania)12. SBRA (Slovenia) 13. SEERC (Greece)14. UNU-MERIT (Netherlands)15. JRC (Belgium/Spain) 16. PT-DLR (Germany)17. FFG (Austria)18. TÜBITAK (Turkey) 19. GSRT (Greece)20. MHEST (Slovenia)21. BMWF (Austria) 22. BMBF (Germany)23. MES-CRA (Bulgaria)24. TURBO (Belgium/Turkey) 25. APRE (Italy)26. MCA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 27. DDSME (Montenegro) 28. MOE-MK (FYR of Macedonia) 29. METE (Albania)

Highlighted activities and results Available (selection): Country reports on specific thematic fields, priorities selected Analysis of needs and funding offers, database on open calls Database on RTDI infrastructures Analysis of cooperation patterns, barriers to cooperation, STI statistics, etc. Dissemination tools: website and journal Regularly: Dialogue activities (Steering Platform, Regional Dialogue, Innovation Dialogue, events for NCPs, promotion of the region in EU events, etc.) Training, brokerage, information sessions, etc.

WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED … to prolongue the support of bi-regional dialogue on S&T with a strengthened focus on issues of innovation, to continue with priority setting processes, networking and information dissemination … to prepare an Action Plan for further WBC cooperation (in the field of innovation, innovation management, cooperation between research and innovation) … to strengthen intersectoral dialogue … to analyse innvoation needs and barriers … to exchange information and good practice on innovation policies … to support training of innovation stakeholders … to raise awareness of the research community for market demands

Phase 1: Pilot Joint Call & Accompanying Measures Phase 2: Regional Programme for the Co-operation with South-East Europe

August Publication of the White Paper on overlaps, gaps and opportunities in view of the extension of bilateral RTD programmes and initiatives towards multilateral approaches and its accompanying Joint Action Plan (JAP) widely distributed – feedback/recommendations Second revision in August 2009 White Paper is designed as a policy paper, the JAP is to be understood as a working paper reflecting the current situation and proposing respective actual measures, gaining momentum through the combination, coordination and adaptation of the individual measures. Joint Action Plan

Collaborative Research Projects: SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Call, Regional Technology Platforms Innovation: WBC-INCO.NET enhanced, future ERA-NET Infrastructure: inventory, ESFRI regional issues, regional research infrastructure roadmap, development of e-strategies, development of electronic networks Institution building: NCP system, benchmarking and evaluation, science-industry networks, regional strategy on R&D for innovation, participation in ERA governance Human potential development: mobility programme for SEE, science management training, diaspora task force, mobility centers, scholarship database, info events and trainings Dissemination: website / portal, erawatch network Joint Action Plan – examples

Action Plan for future joint innovation activities (Task 8.3) Discussions on feasibility of suitable joint funding mechanisms and on legal issues and possible barriers changes in existing programmes for multilateral and inter- regional collaboration towards increased innovation aspects Priorities for future actions to increase innovation activities, enhance research-business relations, etc. Awareness raising measures at political level -> drawing up joint activities, based on coordination, cooperation and strategies (stand alone or integrated in Europe-wide schemes)

Action Plan for future joint innovation activities (Task 8.3) Indicative list from the Description of work: Joint funding mechanisms supporting regional cooperation between research and industry Regional training and mobility measures with research and business actors Regional evaluation and benchmarking exercises of innovation activities and innovation infrastructures Joint regional approach towards international institutions and funding programmes

Thank you for your attention – and enjoy the following presentations and discussions! Elke Dall Centre for Social Innovation Linke Wienzeile 246 A-1150 Wien Towards a regional innovation system