A Model-Driven Semantic Web David Frankel (David Frankel Consulting) Pat Hayes ( Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida) Elisa Kendall (Sandpiper Software) Deborah McGuinness (Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University)
A Model-Driven Semantic Web2 Metadata Management Scenario 1—Integrated MOF Repository
A Model-Driven Semantic Web3 Metadata Management Scenario 2—Federated MOF Repositories
A Model-Driven Semantic Web4 MOF and the Semantic Web MOF technology streamlines the mechanics of managing models as XML documents, Java objects, CORBA objects, etc. Semantic Web technology is for reasoning about resources –Reasons over models that describes the resources MOF provides no help with reasoning Semantic Web not focused on helping with mechanics of managing models Complementary technologies –Despite some overlap
A Model-Driven Semantic Web5 Applications Using ontology-based reasoning to: –Detect problematic financial transactions –Analyze complex business rules –Resolve multiple policy constraints in Runtime applications management Network management While integrating with: –Pre-existing relational and OLAP data stores –Entity-relationship models –UML models –etc.
A Model-Driven Semantic Web6 Business Information Model context PreferredChecking inv: --Cannot go below the minBalance balance >= minBalance CheckingAccount > minBalance : Money Account > id : String balance : Money Customer > socialSecurityNum : String name : String address : String 1..n 1 +account 1..n +customer 1 PreferredChecking > {disjoint} Money > SavingsAccount > interestRate : Decimal Decimal >
A Model-Driven Semantic Web7 Business Service Model FundsXFer > XFerFromChecking(in fromAcct : CheckingAccount, in toAcct : SavingsAccount, in amount : Money) context FundsXFer::XFerFromChecking (fromAcct : CheckingAccount, toAcct : SavingsAccount) : void pre: --There must be sufficient funds in the checking account to support the transfer fromAcct.balance >= amount pre: --The checking account and the savings account must belong to the same customer fromAccount.customer = toAccount.customer post: --The balance of the checking account is reduced from its orginal amount by the amount of the transfer fromAcct.balance = - amount post: --The balance of the savings account is increased from its original amount by the amount of the transfer toAcct.balance = + amount
A Model-Driven Semantic Web8 UML and the Semantic Web No established graphical notation for Semantic Web languages UML profiling is one approach UML profiles for RDF, OWL, and Topic Maps
A Model-Driven Semantic Web9 Toward a Model-Driven Semantic Web Submission team –IBM –Sandpiper Software –Gentleware –AT&T (Supporter) –DSTC MOF metamodels models of –RDF/S –OWL –Simplified Common Logic –Topic Maps –Entity-Relationship UML Profiles for RDF/S, OWL Mappings –UML-OWL –(UML-RDF/S) –(UML-Topic Map)
A Model-Driven Semantic Web10 Bridging the Semantic Web and MDA Worlds MOF/XMI Based Tooling (e.g. Semantic Web Eclipse Plug-In) OWL-XMI Bridge OWL-XMI Bridge Native Semantic Web Ontology Development Tool Native Semantic Web Ontology Development Tool Generic UML Modeling Tool Generic UML Modeling Tool XMI OWL Document XMI OWL Document Native OWL Document Native OWL Document UML Model Using UML Profile UML Model Using UML Profile UML-OWL Bridge UML-OWL Bridge Generic UML Model Generic UML Model A B C Means tool A outputs B, and B serves as input to tool C.
A Model-Driven Semantic Web11 Translating Entity Relationship Models to OWL MOF/XMI Based Tooling (e.g. Semantic Web Eclipse Plug-In) OWL-XMI Bridge OWL-XMI Bridge Native Semantic Web Ontology Development Tool Native Semantic Web Ontology Development Tool Generic UML Modeling Tool Generic UML Modeling Tool XMI OWL Document XMI OWL Document Native OWL Document Native OWL Document UML Model Using UML Profile UML Model Using UML Profile UML-OWL Bridge UML-OWL Bridge Generic UML Model Generic UML Model A B C Means tool A outputs B, and B serves as input to tool C. ER Model ER Tool ER-OWL Bridge ER-OWL Bridge
A Model-Driven Semantic Web12 Metamodel Contents Model of abstract syntax –Defines a domain of conforming abstract syntax trees OWL Metamodel OWL Metamodel Abstract Syntax OWL Ontology OWL Ontology Abstract Syntax Tree = conforms to SCL Metamodel SCL Metamodel Abstract Syntax SCL Expression SCL Expression Abstract Syntax Tree
A Model-Driven Semantic Web13 Part of the SCL Abstract Syntax
A Model-Driven Semantic Web14 Representation of an Abstract Syntax Tree
A Model-Driven Semantic Web15 ODM Metamodel Concrete XML-Based Syntax for CWM (XML DTD or Schema) Concrete XML-Based Syntax for ODM (XML Schema) Abstract Syntax Mapping XMI: The MOF-XML Technology Mapping
A Model-Driven Semantic Web16 Corresponding Part of the XMI Schema <xsd:element name="sequenceVariable" type="omgorg.odm.scl:SequenceVariable"/> <xsd:element name="functionPositionTerm" type="omgorg.odm.scl:Term"/> <xsd:element name="additonalTerm" type="omgorg.odm.scl:Term"/>
A Model-Driven Semantic Web17 The Core Metamodel DL Core Metamodel UML Metamodel Means bi-directional mapping OWL/RDF/S Metamodel ER Metamodel Topic Maps Metamodel
A Model-Driven Semantic Web18 Synergy Summary MOF’s model management facilities and the Semantic Web’s reasoning capabilities are separate, complementary concerns The ability of Semantic Web reasoners to find discrepancies in invariant rules, preconditions, and postconditions, can add scalability to MDA’s use of Design-by-Contract (DBC) UML profiles can serve as graphical notations for Semantic Web languages