Music Lister Community School
Our problems I posed this question to KS3 Music teachers on Sunday night…
My number one job at Lister: Changing perceptions
What we do Every Year 7 and 8 student has an instrument and learns as part of their normal curriculum lesson Supported by ECaM and MiSST; heavily involved with NMT Specialist School Curriculum Early entry GCSE E13 Music Partnership Ever-expanding extra-curricular programme Long-term projects with Cambridge University, Aurora Orchestra and Benyounes Quartet Residentials Development of community programme
How we do it The belief that Music can drive whole school improvement starts with the Head teacher Full SLT support for Music and programmes Innovation within curriculum delivery and departmental roles
We have five strategic goals at Lister Community School Number 4 is: ‘To offer broad, diverse and creative opportunities for enrichment, and to fully capitalise on our existing partnerships to ensure that we become a centre of excellence for music in London’
18 months ago…
…last week PLty039Ltl7QwTy15qiUGLgfu8LiwjB37W
What we’ve learned so far… Students enjoy being challenged Relationships are crucial Partnerships take time and effort
Year 7 In under 500 minutes of instrumental tuition (group of 11) these students can: Sight-read rhythms made up of semibreves, minim, crotchets, quavers and semiquavers; Rhythmic dictation; starting on melodic dictation Describe the technical differences between and can play D major and D minor scales; Work out notes on the treble stave and are beginning to sight-read pitches; Count in 3/4 and 4/4 time; Perform with a sense of style; Manage their own practice routines and take responsibility for their instrument, equipment and attending rehearsals FER4T5BKzc9yPqwU&index=2 FER4T5BKzc9yPqwU&index=2
What difference is it making? Music is making a contribution to the school through: Cultural capital Community cohesion Developing positive perceptions amongst staff, students and the community
Cultural capital ‘I have never seen a concert like this before…I will hold it in my head forever…’ ‘Miss I loved it…it was amazing’
Community cohesion Students from all age groups and backgrounds are involved in Music at Lister Lots of projects involve students from other schools, bringing new people into Lister Community Fair Community Orchestra Next step – more community ensembles and a Music PTA
Positive perceptions ‘A note to say how much I enjoyed the concert yesterday…I take my hat off to you and the team’ ‘It never ceases to amaze me what young people can achieve…there is really something special taking place at Lister’ ‘I thought last night’s concert was a triumph…the hard work you all put in pays off in dividends’ And it comes from the students too – they feel contribution is valued
Five top tips for Music teachers: 1.Offer solutions not problems 2.Be part of a community 3.Use your time and money wisely 4.Show SLT the change you want to see 5.Be your own cheerleader
1. Offer solutions not problems
2. Be part of a community Make your peri staff part of the team Be in touch with your local hub and go to network meetings. If they don’t hold them, suggest that they do! Know who the other HoDs are in your area and ask each other for support Join facebook groups and follow people and organisations on Twitter In school, make friends, compromise, do favours and always say thank you – you will reap the benefits Get parents involved
3. Use your time and money wisely Share resources and find shortcuts Hand responsibility to the students – displays, admin tasks etc Find concerts and events you can attend for free Ask your hub for support If you can make money, even better! Charity fundraisers, concert ticket money, sponsorship
4. Show SLT the change you want to see Negotiate –try something new or different with just one class as a trial? Collate evidence from different sources Challenge staff to be involved Create long-term plans that map out milestones
5. Be your own cheerleader Publicise your events – school bulletins, local press, Twitter Celebrate successes – praises, awards Newsletters and blogs/website Build the status of Music through advertising
5. Be your own cheerleader
1. Offer solutions not problems To go back to the start… Collate evidence through networking and from your classrooms Present options and alternatives Tackle one thing at a time – start small Change will come from you!