National Information Exchange Model Briefing for FGDC HSWG David Li, Ph.D. Geospatial Management Office, DHS Feb 16, 2006
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG2 Introduction National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) was launched in February 2005 by U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chief Information Officers (CIO). Authority and Motivation for NIEM comes from the Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5 (HSPD-5) and the Homeland Security Act of NIEM Focuses on Cross-Domain Information Exchange Package (IEP) Standards for Data Exchanged among Agencies as part of their Current or Intended Business Practices. NIEM will Standardize the Information Exchange Package Contents, Provide tools, and Manage Processes.
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG3 Significance of NIEM NIEM is Envisioned to be the Data Model to facilitate the Information Exchange Package (IEP) Development in the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Data Reference Model (DRM). IEP is a set of data that is shared for a specific business purpose; the actual transmitted XML instance that delivers the payload or information (on the wire). NIEM is Proposed as the Basis of the DHS Enterprise Logical Data Model (ELDM). DHS ELDM is Identified as the Prerequisite of the Implementation of the DHS Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in the DHS Enterprise Architecture (EA). NIEM will facilitate Information Exchange among DHS components and Between DHS and States and Locals to Improve Situation Awareness Capability.
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG4 NIEM Core (a collection of namespaces) Justice Emergency Mgt Immigration Intelligence NIEM Architecture Universal Common Structures Governed by NIEM Technical Architecture Group (NTAG) that coordinate and cooperate with the NIEM governing body NIEM Participants: (1)Bring domain content to NIEM. (2)Conform to NIEM NDR. (3)Agree to NIEM governance policies and procedures. (4)Participate in NIEM governance. Core: jointly governed through the NIEM governing body Requires joint governance and reconciliation; but relatively stable The minimally supported set for all participating domains; universally understood; very stable; minimal or no subsetting Where NIEM tiger teams operate Domains Core Int’l Trade Geospatial
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG5 Tools, methods, mapping, process, training, etc. New IEPDs IEPDs New IEPDs New reusable components NIEM IEP Concept Homeland Security Justice Universal Transportation Geospatial Intelligence AmberAlert Transport EDXL_Msg Virtual Object Reuse Repository – types, properties, business containers, message constructs, service metadata, … Emergency Management IEPD Template Information Exchange Package Descriptions (IEPDs) Governance Bodies Exchange Requirements Collaborative Tools (for distributed consensus) Collaborative Tools (for distributed consensus) New components Semantically consistent across all domains reusable components Common Structures Cor e
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec NIEM 0.2 IEPDT 1.0 Formal governance in place governance planning IEPDT 1.n Interim NIEM governance b NIEM 0.1 Based on refactored GJXDM NIEM workshops (in Jan and May) digest feedback collected by conference calls and NIEM Configuration Control Tool RC = Release Candidate 0.2 NIEM 1.1 RC.xls Spreadsheet marks GJXDM for NIEM partitioning Begin to build test msgs SSGT 0.1 New features in NIEM 0.2 based on GJXDM 3.1 (NOT dependent on XSTF approval of 3.1) New features in NIEM 0.2 based on GJXDM 3.1 (NOT dependent on XSTF approval of 3.1) Tools IEPD Tool 0.3 feedback 0.4 public comment NIEM 1.0 Operational NIEM 1.0-beta for public comment 0.4 NIEM Schedule NOW
Geospatial NIEM Insertion DHS Geospatial Management Office
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG8 Background ~ 80% of ALL data can be related to a geographic location or feature on the earth’s surface. There are significant existing investments on geospatial standards, encoding schema for information exchange and interoperability, and related vendor implementations. Standards organizations and consortia, including ISO/TC211, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), the U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Systems (OASIS), the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), and the Emergency Interoperability Consortium (EIC), have invested years, and in some cases more than a decade of effort in developing consensus standards for geospatial information and technology, and promoting the commercial adoption of those standards. The DHS Geospatial Management Office (GMO) has a Mandate to Manage DHS Geospatial Assets.
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG9 Approach Geospatial NIEM Proposed Insertion takes a Standard-Based Approach: Incorporate Significant ISO, FGDC, OGC and Other Geospatial Standards Promote Interoperability though International and National Standards Leverage Existing Geospatial Investments
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG10 Core Geospatial Data Types and Associated Geospatial Standards TypeStandards Feature ISO Geography Markup Language (GML) [2], and OGC GML simple feature profile [3] Location (Object) ISO GML [2], Open Location Services (OpenLS®) [4], and FGDC Street Address Data Standard [5] Coverage ISO GML [2] Observation OGC Observations and Measurements [6] Route [1] Open Location Services (OpenLS®) [4], and ISO Location Based Services – Multimodal routing and navigation [7] Map ISO Web Map Server interface [8] Mobile Object ISO GML [2], and ISO Schema for moving features [9] Alert OASIS Common Alert Protocol (CAP) [10], and ISO GML [2] Structure LandXML [11] and ifcXML [12] HSIP FGDC Homeland Security Infrastructure Protection (HSIP) Geospatial Data Content [13] and the types: Feature, Location, and Address 1.U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), “National Information Exchange Model, version 0.2,” December, International Standards Organization, "ISO 19136: Geographic information - Geography Markup Language (GML)," February, This document is equivalent to following document. 1.Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc., "OpenGIS® Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Specification, version 3.1.1," OGC Document Number r1, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc., "GML simple features profile, version ," OGC Document Number r18, not yet publicly available. 4.Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc., "OpenGIS® Location Service (OpenLS) Implementation Specification: Core Services, version 1.1," OGC Document Number , Federal Geographic Data Committee, Address Standards Working Group, "Street Address Data Standard, Working Draft 2.0," November 2005, ndDraft.CompleteDoc.pdfhttp:// 11.2ndDraft.CompleteDoc.pdf 6.Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc., "Observations and Measurements, version ," OGC Document Number r1, not yet publicly available. 7.International Standards Organization, "ISO 19134: Geographic information – Location Based Services – Multimodal routing and navigation,” April, International Standards Organization, "ISO 19128: Geographic information – Web Map Server interface,” November, International Standards Organization, "ISO 19141: Geographic information – Schema for moving features,” May, Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), “OASIS Standard CAP-V1.1,” October,, “LandXML-1.1 Schema,“ December, International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI), “Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)2x2, Addendum 1“ July, 13.Federal Geographic Data Committee, Homeland Security Working Group, "Guidelines for Homeland Security Infrastructure Protection Geospatial Data Content, Version 1.0 (FOUO)," December Contact to request access.
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG11 Recommendations Add Geospatial Types to NIEM within a Separate Geospatial Namespace from those that currently exist. Add Geospatial Standard-Based Definitions from the provided schema (see the associated proposed insertion package) under a target geospatial namespace for use in all NIEM Information Exchange Packages (IEP) if geospatial types are needed. Existing NIEM processes can continue to use existing NIEM definitions for geospatial components, such as location type, but those definitions should be deprecated in favor of the standards- based, industry-compatible types described in the associated geospatial schema package. Future NIEM processes should be designed and constructed to use the Geospatial Standard-Based Definitions for NIEM Geospatial Core Types.
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG12 Recommendations – Geospatial Schema Package FileContents hsip.xsdThe schema for the Homeland Security Infrastructure Protection (HSIP) IEP. This was drafted as a separate schema under the assumption that it is for the NIEM HSIP domain, not part of the NIEM core. If that assumption is incorrect, the definitions in this schema can be moved to geoSpatial4niem.xsd and edited to share the core NIEM geospatial target namespace and prefix. geoSpatial4niem.xsdThe schema of core geospatial types for NIEM, including Feature, Location, Coverage, and Observation types. It is a GML Application Schema that defines types following NIEM conventions for identity, associations, roles and metadata by extending XML types from geospatial standards. gml4niem.xsdA profile of Open Geospatial Consortium Geography Markup Language (GML) version schemas for NIEM version 0.2. Deprecated GML3.1.1 types like gid are eliminated because they will not be included in the ISO TC/ version of the GML standard. Includes support for Feature, Location, Coverage, and Observation types. xls4niem.xsdA profile of Open Geospatial Consortium OpenLS schema for NIEM. Supports the Location and Route types om4niem.xsdSupport for Observation type. StreetAddressDataStandard.xsdThe schema for the FGDC Address Data Content Standard, used by the Location type. context4niem.xsdAdaptation of OGC Web Map Context schema, that imports version definitions from the StyledLayerDescriptor schema instead of the version ones used by the standard. Used by the Map type. StyledLayerDescriptor4niem.xsdSupporting Styled Layer Description (SLD) schema for Web Map Context. Used by the Map type. filter4niem.xsdSupporting schema for SLD. Used by the Map type. xlinks.xsdSupporting schema for Observations, Context, and SLD. hsipSample.xmlSample instance document for HSIP IEP.
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG13 Some Technical Design Considerations Adopt the GML type/property element naming convention that uses [LeadingUpperCamelCase] names for elements of XML complex types derived from gml:AbstractGMLType, and [leadingLowerCamelCase] names for attributes, attribute groups, elements of simple type and for gml property types that follow the design pattern of gml:AssociationType, gml:_association element, gml:FeaturePropertyType, and gml:featureProperty element. Geospatial Namespace: targetNamespace=" Follow NIEM conventions, it uses substitution groups and roles rather than XML/Schema choice model groups to offer alternative definitions of an object where one type would not satisfy all use case requirements. Use abstract address type serves as the head of a substitution group that includes elements of a variety of different address types from different sources, including OpenLS, the URISA/FGDC StreetAddressDataStandard, and NIEM. An application schema can define a complex type that includes a reference to this element when any element in the substitution group may occur in an instance document.
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG14 An Example – LocationType
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG15 Data File Data pulled from a database Modeled with an XML schema Transport data in valid XML instance Can transform w/ XSL for display Data loaded into receiving database Database Data pulled from a structured data file Modeled with an XML schema Transport data in valid XML instance Can transform w/ XSL for display DB Doc XML XSL DB Exchange XML Documents
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG16 An Exchanged XML Instance Example SampleHSIPFeatureCollection Sample <PrivateBankingAndCreditInstitution gml:id="Citibank47" s:metadata="Citibank47Address Citibank47Point“ s:linkMetadata="Citibank47Location Citibank47POC"> 234 NORTH Main STREET Rockville ……
GMO NIEM Briefing for FGDC HSWG17 For More Information To Learn More on NIEM Concept of Operations and NIEM Schema: To Get a Copy of DHS GMO Geospatial NIEM Insertion Package, Please Contact Mike Lee at (Comments and Suggestions are Highly Appreciated) For All Other Questions, Contact Dr. David Li at (telephone: )