Debriefing on the Bucharest Conference 6 – 7 March 2009 Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in South Eastern Europe Meeting of SP WBC 28 May 2009, Liblice Katarina Miljević, Task Force Secreteriat Vienna
Debriefing on the Bucharest Conference, 6 – 7 March 2009 Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Objectives Platform for discussion on the changing role of human capital Comprehensive dimension Knowledge Triangle Regional Cooperation Information on relevant developments and trends
Debriefing on the Bucharest Conference, 6 – 7 March 2009 Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Participants
Debriefing on the Bucharest Conference, 6 – 7 March 2009 Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Thematic workshops 1.Human capital contribution to regional development 2. Effective policies for building human capital 3.Fostering human capital for labour market needs and competitiveness 4.Human capital contribution to sustainable development 5. TVET and HE modernization in Romania through Phare projects - Challenges for building human capital in a changing society
Debriefing on the Bucharest Conference, 6 – 7 March 2009 Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Missing Links Culture of cooperation and of evidence – based decision making Broader institutional partnerships Relevant institutions (e.g. adult education providers) Innovation-friendly management procedures of administration Financial investments and flexible budgeting procedures
Debriefing on the Bucharest Conference, 6 – 7 March 2009 Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Conclusions and Recommendations Human capital as key factor for sustainable economic development, social cohesion and innovation Innovative Partnerships through mobilizing research and making meaningful connections between research and education Exchange of experience and developing joint best practice through strengthening regional cooperation
Debriefing on the Bucharest Conference, 6 – 7 March 2009 Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Outlook on priorities Highlighting the role of education, training, science and research for sustainable economic development and knowledge-based growth Providing of a platform for debate for new strategic partnerships Implementation of follow-up activities to the Bucharest Conference Cooperation and exchange with regional networks and the RCC Assisting in the organization of Knowledge Clusters Capacity Building Programme for Regional Cooperation
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