AGENDA 1.The NIEM Framework What common services, governance models, processes and tools are provided by NIEM? 2.NIEM Specifications & Processes What is the NDR and MPD Specification? What is the IEPD Development Life Cycle? 3.NIEM Governance How is NIEM governed? How does the federated domain governance function? What are the different NIEM committees? 4.Future Outlook What is NIEM 3.0? What is the scope and timeline for release? Where can I find more information? How does NIEM-UML relate? 2
THE NIEM FRAMEWORK What common services, governance models, processes and tools are provided by NIEM? 3
NIEM connects communities of people who share a common need to exchange information in order to advance their missions, and provides a foundation for seamless information exchange between federal, state, local, and tribal agencies. Much more than a data model, NIEM offers an active user community as well as a technical and support framework. Formal Governance Processes Online Repositories Mission-Oriented Domains Self-Managing Domain Stewards Data Model XML Design Rules Development Methodology Predefined Deliverables (IEPD) Tools for Development and Discovery Established Training Program Implementation Support Help Desk & Knowledge Center THE NIEM FRAMEWORK 4
Translation Scope-of-NIEM NIEM intentionally does not address standardizing data inside legacy systems. NIEM serves as a translation layer (providing a common understanding) between and across disparate systems. STANDARDIZING DATA MOVING ACROSS SYSTEMS INTERFACE LEGACY DATABASES LEGACY DATABASES COMMONLY FORMATTED DATA INTERFACE 5
Built and governed by the business users at Federal, State, Local, Tribal and Private Sectors THE NIEM LIFECYCLES 6
NIEM SPECIFICATIONS & PROCESSES What is the NDR and MPD Specification? What is the IEPD Development Life Cycle? 7
NORMATIVE NIEM SPECIFICATIONS 8 Naming & Design Rules (NDR), Version 1.3 Specifies principles and enforceable rules for NIEM data components and schemas. Schemas and components that obey the rules are considered to be NIEM-conformant. URI: pdf 1.3.pdf Model Package Description (MPD) Specification, Version 1.1 Defines terminology, identifies required and optional artifacts and metadata, specifies normative rules, schemes, syntax, and provides non-normative guidance to support the creation of NIEM MPDs. MPDs include IEPDs, Business Information Exchange Components (BIEC), Enterprise Information Exchange Models (EIEM), Domain Updates, and Core Updates. URI: pdf 1.3.pdf
MPD CLASSES 9 Model Release: Contains a full set of harmonized reference schemas defining all content in a version of NIEM. Domain Update: Contains reference schemas that represent changes to NIEM domains. NIEM domains use these as the basis for incremental improvements, extensions, and proposed changes to future NIEM releases. Core Update: Contains reference schemas representing changes that apply to a specific NIEM Core version. A core update is not published to replace a NIEM Core; it adds new schemas, new data components, and new code values to a core without waiting for the next major release. Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD): Defines a reusable XML data exchange. A NIEM IEPD contains a set of valid XML schemas that may include portions of NIEM Core schemas, portions of domain schemas, enterprise-specific or IEPD-specific extension schemas, and at least one exchange schema that defines a document element. Enterprise Information Exchange Model (EIEM): A collection of business components organized into a subset and one or more extension schemas. Constraint schemas and non-NIEM-conforming external standards schemas with type adapters are optional in an EIEM.
THE IEPD LIFECYCLE Plan the project, establish the process, and identify information exchange business requirements Selected information exchange is further elaborated to understand and document the business context and data requirements Associate local objects with types and elements in NIEM. This process is called mapping an exchange content model to NIEM Create a set of exchange-specific NIEM conformant XML schemas that implement the data model created for the exchange Prepare and package all related files for this IEPD into a single self ‐ contained, self- documented, portable archive file Publish IEPD for search, discovery, and reuse Scenario Planning Analyze Requirements Map & Model Build & Validate Assemble & Document Publish & Implement 10
THE IEPD ARTIFACTS IEPDs contain both required and recommended artifacts Required : Bold Recommended : Italic Note: Best practices for most organizations include many of the optional artifacts listed here Business Processes Use Cases Sequence Diagrams Business RulesBusiness Requirements Exchange Content Model Mapping Document Subset Schema Exchange Schema XML Wantlist Constraint Schema Extension Schema Main Document Catalog Sample XML Instances XML Stylesheets Scenario Planning Analyze Requirements Map & Model Build & Validate Assemble & Document Publish & Implement No required artifacts. Publish the IEPD to a repository and implement the exchange 11
NIEM GOVERNANCE How is NIEM governed? How does the federated domain governance function? What are the different NIEM committees? 12
NIEM GOVERNING STRUCTURE NIEM’s governing structure is comprised of Federal, State, Local, Tribal and private organizations NIEM is jointly managed at an executive level by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Justice (DOJ), and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Executive Steering Council ESC Executive Director Deputy Director Executive Director Deputy Director NIEM PMO NIEM Technical Architecture Committee NTAC NIEM Business Architecture Committee NBAC NIEM Communications & Outreach Committee NC&OC 13
WHO STEERS NIEM CURRENTLY? Voting Members Dept of Justice Dept of Homeland Security Dept of Health and Human Services Ex-Officio Members Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative Office of Management and Budget Program Manager, Information Sharing Environment NASCIO Partners Terrorist Screening Center Dept of Defense / Dept of Navy Dept of State, Consular Affairs (invited) 14
WHO GOVERNS NIEM DOMAINS? DomainExecutive Steward JusticeGlobal Justice (State & Local) ScreeningDHS/Screening Coordination Office ImmigrationDHS/Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Chem/Bio/Rad/NucDHS/Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) MaritimeDOD/Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) CyberDHS/National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD)/Cyber Security & Communications (CS&C) Children, Youth & Family ServicesHHS/Administration for Children and Families (ACF) & DOJ (State & Local) Emergency ManagementDHS/FEMA, DHS/Science & Technology (S&T) Infrastructure ProtectionDHS/NPPD International TradeDHS/Customs and Border Protection (CBP) BiometricsDHS/NPPD, National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) HealthHHS/Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) & HHS/Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Human ServicesHHS/ACF & HHS/ONC Government Resource ManagementGeneral Services Administration (GSA) 15
FUTURE OUTLOOK What is NIEM 3.0? What is the scope and timeline for release? Where can I find more information? How does NIEM-UML relate? 16
UML PROFILE FOR NIEM (V2.1 ALIGNMENT) Objective of the NIEM-UML Profile To allow modelers and developers to apply NIEM-UML with minimal effort in order to create new models or change existing models and ultimately to produce NIEM MPD artifacts. NIEM-UML Implementations MagicDraw NIEM-UML Plug-in Open Source Implementation (Under Development) 17
NIEM-UML Subset of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) Set of UML constructs & Stereotypes –Extends UML to represent NIEM concepts –NIEM concepts are augmented with NIEM-Platform mapping information –NIEM Naming & Design Rules enforced by leveraging the Object Constraint Language A valid NIEM-UML model will produce a valid MPD 18 NIEM Logical Concepts Not the XSD and NIEM Naming & Design Rules Details –Platform Independent Model (PIM) Profile –Common Profile –Model Package Description Profile UML Tooling/Development Environment WHAT IS NIEM-UML?LEARNING REQUIREMENTS? ` ` ` `
NIEM-UML GOALS Represent the semantics of NIEM while being agnostic of its structural representation To leverage standards and standards based tools To reduce complexity and lower the barrier for entry To facilitate reuse of NIEM models and as a result schemas To embrace accepted UML modeling styles and constructs To enable use of NIEM-PIM models for use with other standards, technologies and layers To support deterministic mapping to and from the NIEM technology layers based on NIEM rules Clarity: Ensure that a UML representation of a NIEM model produced by one developer can be interpreted as expected by another. Completeness: Ensure that a developer can produce a UML representation of any NIEM concept, including semantics, XML Schema structure, and metadata. Practicality: With minimal effort, a developer can employ the profile in current UML development tools to develop and use a NIEM model. 19
NIEM 3.0 HIGH-LEVEL BASELINE SCOPE * Code List Decoupling & Updates Optional Code List Complexity Solution New Augmentation Solution Integrate Latest Version of IC-ISM Unify Reference & Content-Bearing Elements Ability to Subset structures.xsd and appinfo.xsd Conformance Target Declaration Attributes in appinfo.xsd Local Terminology and Acronym Capability in appinfo.xsd Resolved Architectural NIEM Configuration Control Tool (NCCT) Issues Newly Identified Architectural NCCT Issues Domain Content Change Requests NCCT Content Harmonization Solutions Newly Identified NCCT Content Issues TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE ENHANCEMENTS AND BUG FIXES HARMONIZED CONTENT, & DOMAIN CONTENT CHANGE REQUESTS NIEM.GOV TOOLS UPDATES SSGT (Updates & NIEM-UML Alignment) ConTesA Code List Generator * Scope is subject to change
WEBSITE/PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 22 NIEM 3.0 URL: soon/Pages/version-3.aspx
Q&A 23