Definitions Open Governance Ensuring access to information to be able to engage with governments/organizations more effectively. A willingness of the data holder to work collaboratively with others.
Definitions XML “Extended Markup Language”: a set of rules for structuring information (e.g. documents) in a way that allows for the exchange, display, and storage of data independent of proprietary Software, and Hardware devices. proprietary operating systems and hardware devices.
Definitions Akoma Ntoso An open XML standard used in Parliamentary processes Started in 2004 within the “Africa i-Parliament Action Plan” promoted by UN/DESA Akoma Ntoso means “Linked Hearts” and it is a symbol used by the Akan people of West Africa to represent understanding and agreement
Definitions Interoperability The ability of computer systems to exchange data. Isolated data sets have limited value, their value increases significantly only when interlinked and re- used freely. XML enables users to compare, contrast, and create new data sets.
Definitions FAO Governance Conference, Council and other Governing Body Decisions Summit outcome documents Basic Texts
Definitions FAO’s Normative Work
Why is XML of interest to FAO? Each biennium 150+ FAO meetings several hundred documents [authored, transcribed, edited, translated, printed and distributed to a vast audience] but … Data bound up in closed formats (pdf and Word) not easily accessible, nor open for sharing and re-use
Current Workflow Complex and rigid Word template Manual work in six languages Word template needs regular updating Lack of interoperability Amendments are collected in TC mode or s
New Workflow Flexible XML Schema XML Mark-up once (multilingual context) Not subject to software updates Full interoperability with other systems Open Platform for amendments/comments
Open Governance at FAO Giving Greater Access and Visibility to FAO’s Normative and Governance Work by… supporting a more effective authoring process through an XML document schema
Key Objectives 1.Improve access and visibility to FAO’s normative and governance information. 2.Improved consultation with stakeholders in normative/governance work. 3.Make FAO normative and governance information interoperable.
Key Outputs 1.An XML schema for FAO governance and normative information. 2.A document management system for production workflow. 3.Tools/Web services to improve consultation and use of data by stakeholders.
Key Outcomes GREATER: 1.Stakeholder participation in key areas of FAO’s work. 2.Accessibility and visibility of governance/normative information. 3.Interoperability. 4.Consistency. 5.Long term preservation of information
Proof of Concept Started in October 2014 Letter of Agreement signed with Bologna University Advisory Committee/Information Sharing Group Set-up Meetings with Internal Stakeholders Prototypes
Proof of Concept (Prototypes) 1.Consultation Process (Normative Secretariats) 2.Accessibility of Food Standards (Codex Alimentarius) 3.Improvements on FAOLEX (Legal Office) 4.Tracking of Modifications of Procedural Texts 5.Interactivity between Pre-Session/In-Session Meeting Docs 6.Production and Publication of Multilingual Meeting Documents
Open Data in National Governments Open Government Partnership, September 2011 Open Data Charter by the G8, June 2013
Use of XML at National Level From the World e-Parliament Report % use or plan to use XML in Parliament