Welcome From Act to Practice 2013
From Act to Practice Today Law is in transition Seminar geared for all levels of knowledge Pack content How day will work – case scenarios/ materials Planning Evaluation
From Act to Practice JOHN DAVE Mum’s partner of 3 months. Stays over once a week LILY Dad’s partner. Always fighting with John’s Mum. Used to be close friends with her. GEOFF John’s Dad. Has little to do with his son. LAURA John’s Mum. John lives with her. UNCLE SEAN Often at John’s house. John stays with him sometimes. At one time went to court to ask for John to live with him. JODIE John’s half-sister. She lives with Brian. BRIAN Mum’s old partner. John sees him often and he is the person John confides in. GRAN BETTY John stays with her regularly when there are problems at home. LORI BEFRIENDER Brought in by John’s school to help. John is quite isolated and withdrawn. FIONA SOLICITOR A solicitor. John wanted a lawyer involved from the mention of panels. LEE ADVOCATE Involved with John after school. Brought in to help John with some problems. JIM BARR TEACHER John’s Guidance Teacher. AHMED SOCIAL WORKER Doing a report for the hearing.
From Act to Practice The Children’s Hearings (Sc) Act 2011 – Why? Modernising – new structures & language Codification – current law & rules in one place Clarification – more detail & current practice Participation – child and carers Consistency – less inconsistency Implementation - strengthening hearings
From Act to Practice
Relevant Person status Part of the child’s picture and the solution? Rights only relate to children’s hearings Person has rights that the hearing can interfere with Person has rights to contribute, access information & challenge Not involving – can lead to disruption and delay at a later stage Act is attempting to clarify rights as early as possible
From Act to Practice Who are Relevant Persons? Mother Father Persons with parental rights and responsibilities Persons with a residence order Persons with parental rights and responsibilities under a permanence order Person deemed a relevant person by a hearing
From Act to Practice Being deemed a Relevant Person? Criteria – has or has recently had a significant involvement in the child’s upbringing A pre-hearing panel will decide Reporter can arrange The person, child and any relevant person can request Can attend and make representations Can review/appeal decision
From Act to Practice Hearing held that makes, varies or terminates a contact direction ROUTE 1 A person has a contact order who is entitled to contact (known to Reporter) & Not Relevant Person ROUTE 2 Someone thinks they have or have recently had, significant involvement in the child’s upbringing & Not Relevant Person Approaches Reporter Contact Direction Review Hearing within 5 days The 2 routes to a Contact Direction Review Hearing: Automatic
From Act to Practice Relevant Information Is this person a parent? Is there any dispute about their parentage? If so, is there any information (or legal proof)? Does or did this person have involvement with a court about the child? Does this person have any court order? What is this person’s involvement with the child and their upbringing? If this has ended – how recently?
From Act to Practice Case Scenario - Instructions 1.Use John’s family diagram and your hand out 2.You have 20 minutes 3.A note of the answers will be provided at the end of the session 4.Note big issues/questions on flipchart 5.Use your planning forms! 6.Clan and Celcis people will circulate around the tables to keep things moving
From Act to Practice Overview of Participation Children and young people want this Participation of others (relevant persons) Specific and general duties People and methods available – implications Information sharing & non-disclosure Preparation Rights/wants & best interests/representation
From Act to Practice Changes - Participation Views of child in reports Duties on the chair at the hearing New methods – in certain circumstances Advocacy services Legal representation Information sharing/non-disclosure Vulnerable witnesses
From Act to Practice The Quiz - Instructions 1.Answer as many questions as you can in 8 minutes – there will be prizes! 2.Use the session hand out 3.Group or Individual answers 4.A note of ‘answers’ will be given
From Act to Practice Overview of Grounds Who are the grounds important to? Criteria for referral has changed Different grounds: - domestic abuse - forced marriage/civil partnerships - new behaviour ground Concept of ‘close connection’
From Act to Practice ‘close connection’ Broadens ‘member of the same household’ to cover significant contact Relates to Schedule 1 offenders, Sexual Offenders & Domestic Abusers Relevant information to decide significant contact
From Act to Practice Case Scenario - Instructions 1.Use John’s family and questions in hand out 2.You have 10 minutes 3.Note big issues/questions on flipchart 4.A note of ‘answers’ will be given
From Act to Practice Changes Hearings –new structures & focus New terminology – orders and warrants Non-disclosure of information – new process Safeguarders – timescales and appeal rights New decisions on new concepts New appeals and reviews Courts – new powers at appeal, new fast track process
From Act to Practice Implementation Implementation authority Review of implementation status Assistance Implementation of secure authorisation National Convener’s role – breach of duty Reporting on implementation
From Act to Practice Materials and Support Available Materials from this course Other materials out there Materials to be developed Advice More seminars or workshops?
From Act to Practice Thank you