What is this class about? COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING I Computerized AccountingIi s a two-semester course with emphasis on basic accounting principles as they relate to both manual andc omputerized financial systems. Instruction is on an integrated basis, using computers and electronic calculators as the relationships and processes of manual and computerized accounting are presented. Entry-level skills in the accounting occupations can be attained. 4
Semester 1 Unit 1—Computerized Accounting I Unit 2—Basic Accounting Cycle-Service Business Unit 3—Cash Control and Banking Procedures Semester 2 Unit 4—Basic Accounting Cycle-Merchandising Business Unit 5—Payroll Accounting 5
YOUR GRADE Will be calculated using the following components: 1.Class conduct/participation 2.Activities 3.Chapter tests 4.Semester Test * tentative
Class Rules DO NOT’s: Change the computer control settings. Delete desktop icons or shortcuts. Delete programs, files, or folders. Access the internet without express permission from the teacher. 7
Class Rules DO NOT’s: Access any website without approval from the teacher. Start up or shut down the computer without approval from the teacher. Damage any part of a computer or device. 8
Class Rules DO NOT’s: Print without permission from the teacher. Download anything without permission from the teacher. Do not access any program not approved by the teacher. 9
Class Rules DO: Come to class with a positive attitude Be on time. Respect yourself and others. Ask permission to leave the room or your seat. Write the bellringer in your binders 10
Class Rules DO: Turn your work in on time. Ask questions by raising your hand. Follow instructions. Talk with me if you have any concerns about this class or your school environment. 11
Class Rules DO: Follow all guidelines in the student handbook. 12
Consequences Warning Parent/Teacher Conference Office Referral *The teacher has the discretionary authority to temporarily remove the student from class. 13
Rewards Expect to be praised when you do something positive. Hard work builds character. Positive self-image 14
QUIZ TOMORROW 15 This will be an online quiz You will go to the website You will have a unique username and password