F IRST, THE E ARLY L EARNING C HALLENGE B ASICS 2 Colorado received $29.9M for a four year grant (starting January 2013 from the US Department of Education. The Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood is responsible for administration of the grant. We have until March 29 th to formally submit final project plans to the US Department of Education The grant is designed specifically to achieve the following: o Increase the number and percentage of low-income and disadvantaged children in each age group of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers who are enrolled in high-quality early learning programs o Design and implement an integrated system of high-quality early learning programs and services o Ensure that any use of assessments conforms with the recommendations of the National Research Council's reports on early childhood. o Ensure investments in early childhood education equate to better school readiness.
3 Ambitious TargetsReal Benefits Deliver higher quality programs to high need families High need families have better access to higher quality programs with a specific focus on high need families. Strong statewide governance model with a local focus Intentional focus on high need kids Data driven Consolidated program oversight Strong accountability with localized domain All licensed early learning program providers engaged in Tiered Quality Rating System. More access to higher quality programs for high needs kids Improved program quality and better school readiness Implementation of early child development standards Improves program and provider quality Engages Families in development/school readiness Establishes a consistent foundation Provide incentives for local councils and providers to improve program quality. Improved quality for high need places Flexibility to meet local needs Ability to implement strategic components Deploy kindergarten readiness assessments statewide Assess K-Readiness Support continuous improvement through deployment Develop highly qualified early childhood workforce More effective, higher quality programs Credit workforce for prior competencies Provide career ladders through the registry 3
U NDERSTANDING THE P ROJECTS Overall Grant Management: Coordinated emphasis on Increasing Access to High Quality Programs for Children with High Needs($6.2M) QRIS: Improving Program Quality With Focus on Continuous Improvement ($12.5M) Highly Qualified Workforce ($5.1M) Results Matter for children 0-4 years ($2.5M) Early Learning and Development Guidelines ($500k) Statewide Kindergarten Readiness ($2.9M) 4
TQRIS P ROJECT P LAN S UMMARY May 2013June 2013July 2013Aug 2013Sept 2013April Plan Rating Points and Standards Review Understand the Organization Component Review and Finalization: Rating Points and Standards, Accounting & Monitoring, Provider Supports & Incentives / Consumer Outreach Review Define the Future Organization Understand the Technology Finalize the Implementation Plan Understand Contractor Roles Produce the Visual Strategy Publish RFPs The process for producing the implementation plan: OIR will draft recommendations, shares with the Core team, and then provides final to the Executive Group for approval once all components are vetted and reviewed
ELC R OADMAP FOR TQRIS 6 Design Complete TQRIS Business Future State Design (Processes, Organizational Structure, Technology Requirements, Cost) Fund this from OCM Funds from Governance NOW Design Provider Engagement and Financial Incentives TQRIS Vendor Selected and TQRIS Next Gen Implementation Started Integration Vendor Selected Upgrade CDHS Organizational Capacity – Includes IRR and Other Training for Licensing Staff Complete Next Generation TQRIS – (Integration to Licensing and 5 Tiers) Launch TQRIS (ECDS) Portal Complete Technical Integration and Modifications to Licensing System Actively Support Phase 1 Deployment of High Needs Targets Design and Launch Evaluation Processes Deploy Training and Technical Support for TQRIS (Families and Providers) Launch Financial Incentive Program for Providers Expand Next Generation TQRIS – (Integration to Licensing and 5 Tiers) Statewide Complete Technical Integration with K-Readiness, Workforce LMS and other Systems Design and Implement Advanced Reporting Continue Evaluation Processes and Start Continuous Improvement Services Continue Training and Technical Support for TQRIS (Families and Providers) Continue to Support Financial Incentive Program for Providers