The High School Years & Beyond College Prep Lesson Friday, April 17, th & 7 th Grade Students
Average Annual Income by Education Level
What will you earn in your lifetime? 50 YEARS YEARS YRS
What can I expect from my high school years? o THE OPPORTUNITY TO PREPARE FOR YOUR FUTURE COLLEGE, WORK, MILITARY, etc… o The opportunity to be treated like an adult. o The opportunity to learn human relations when relating to peers, friends and classmates. o The opportunity to DISCOVER your TALENTS! o Involvement in clubs, organizations, sports, band, cheer, dance, etc.
How can I have a successful high school experience? o Set a GOAL! o Recognize the differences between Junior High and High School responsibilities o Learn the high school graduation requirements o Learn university admission requirements: “a-g” subject requirements o Get involved in school! o Look for opportunities outside of school that support your career interest
The Future is NOW: Get Involved! CLUBS Potential leader Community service Build a support group Mentoring WORK/ROP Experience Time management Discipline Communication skills Leadership ATHLETICS Value of teamwork Leadership Discipline Competitive Determination What are your educational and career goals? What are you involved in to help you achieve your goals? How have you served your community? Colleges & Scholarships want to know:
The Future is NOW: Set a GOAL! DOCTOR Take 4 years of math/science Volunteer at a hospital Take ROP health course Participate in pre-med club Attorney Take 4 years of history Internship in lawyer’s office Take ROP pre-law course Join OCAD, Peer Court, etc. Volunteer at local school, church, community organization, etc. (100+ hours) Participate in Pre-College programs Take courses at the community college – FREE! ROP gives you experience Most important keep UP your grades
High School Option #1
High School Option #2
What is the difference between HIGH SCHOOL and COLLEGE READINESS 3.0 years of History 4 years of English 3 year of Math (Algebra I & Geometry) 2 years of Science 2 years of Foreign Language 1 year of Visual and Performing Arts 2.5 years of Electives (9 semesters) H. S. Graduation Requirements 2 years of History/Social Science 4 years of English (CP/ Honors/AP) 3 years of Math (minimum Algebra II) 2 years of Science (biology and chemistry) 2 years of Foreign Language 1 year of Visual and Performing Arts 1 year of College Elective Minimum CSU/UC eligible applicant D or better is passing Must pass ALL class with C or better
History / Social Science- 2 years World History / Cultures / World Civilizations US History Government / Civics (1 semester) 2.5 Years / Units Math: 3 Years, 4 Years Recommended Algebra or Geometry Geometry or Algebra 2 Algebra 2 or Pre-Calculus 3 Years / Units Language Other Than English: 2 Years, 3 Years Recommended Spanish 1Spanish 2 2 Years / Units Laboratory Science: 2 Years, 3 Years Recommended BiologyChemistry 2 Years / Units Visual and Performing Arts: 1 Year- Same course Art 1 Year / Units College Preparatory Elective: 1 Year Economics (1 semester).5 Years / Units English: 4 Years 4 Years / Units College Preparatory Requirements 9 th Grade 10 th Grade 11 th Grade 12 th Grade Total Units The A-G Study Pattern A B C D E F G College Prep English 4 years completed with a C or better 15 Years/ Units Pre-Calculus or Calculus 4 Years / Units Physics 3 Years / Units Spanish 3 3 Years / Units 21 Years/ Units College Prep Physical Science 1.5 Years / Units
Keys to academic success Students will succeed when: 1.They use a planner and manage their time wisely. 2.They communicate with their teachers. 3.They ask questions. 4.They obtain 3 or more telephone numbers from other classmates. Students helping students! 5.They turn in all assigned work on time. 6.They invest at least 2 hours daily in homework. 7.They get involved in school activities (during/after school). 8.They create a quite study place for homework
Provides you with… On-line Application Process Financial Aid Information Campus information Assistance with Planning
High School Resources o Counseling Center o Career/College Center o Library o Teachers o Administrators, Counselors, Assistant Principals o School Police o Nurse o Technology classes o Student body at school o College Preparation Programs… (EAOP, GEAR UP, MESA, Puente, Talent Search, Upward Bound, etc.)
A Special Thank You To Ms. Adriana Huezo Counselor/Higher Ed. Coordinator at Segerstrom H.S., SAUSD For sharing this information with Lathrop Intermediate School’s students.