Senior Night October 6, 2014 Jamie Zucker Counselor & CAP Advisor
High School Graduation Requirements for Class of credits are required to graduate 4 Credits of English 4 Credits of Math (Must pass Algebra 1 EOC) 3 Credits of Science: Physical Science, Biology & Chemistry 3 Credits of History: World History, American History, Government (0.5) & Economics (0.5) 1 Credit of Fine Art 1 Credit of Physical Education—must include Personal Fitness (0.5) 0.5 credit of Digital Learning- must take and pass at least one virtual course *** 2 Credits of a Foreign Language (2 separate years) are not required, but recommended for almost all colleges & needed for Florida Bright Futures Scholarship
High School Graduation Requirements (con.) Minimum 2.0 GPA Earn a passing score on the Reading portion on the FCAT or a standardized test score that is concordant with the passing scores on the FCAT (SAT & ACT)— Reading 430 SAT or 19 ACT; Must pass the Algebra 1 EOC Community Service Hours---minimum of 100 hours needed for graduation
Deadlines The deadline means ALL information must be in- NO EXCEPTIONS!
Florida State School Application Deadlines -Your Job to Know Deadlines FSU- 1 ST Deadline: Oct. 15 th / 2 nd Deadline: Jan. 14th UCF- Rolling Admissions UF- ONLY DEADLINE: Nov. 1st FlU-Scholarship Deadline: Nov. 1 st /Applications accepted until May 15th UWF- Scholarship Deadline: Dec. 1 st /Rolling Admissions FGCU- Rolling Admissions but Priority Deadline- Feb. 15th UNF- Scholarship Deadline: Nov. 15 th /Rolling Admissions FAU- Scholarship Deadline: Dec. 15 th /Rolling Admissions
The Stats… FIU: 3.3 GPA/ 1530 on SAT/ 22 on ACT FAU: 3.4 GPA/ 1520 on SAT/ 22 on ACT FSU: 3.8 GPA/ 1760 on SAT/ 26 on ACT UF: 4.2 GPA/ 1810 on SAT/ 27 on ACT UCF: 3.8 GPA/ 1750 on SAT/ 26 on ACT UWF: 3.2 GPA/ 1360 on SAT/ 21 on ACT UNF: 3.8 GPA/ 1740 on SAT/ 26 on ACT
Types of Applications Early Decision-easier to get accepted but it is binding- you must attend and withdraw all other applications. DO NOT apply ED unless this is your dream school and you can afford the costs. Early Action-easier to get accepted than regular decision but not binding. DO NOT apply EA if you need senior grades to give you a boost from first semester Regular Decision-later deadline-colleges will look at first semester grades from senior year. DO YOU NEED THE BOOST?
Types of Applications Public Schools in Florida-apply on website if possible Common Application-This is an online system that students use to apply to member colleges with the same form. Students can create a free account and keep this information in a safe place. This website will require letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, coaches, etc. Choose who you invite wisely and make sure to follow-up with them. Public Schools outside Florida- apply website if possible
Tips for College Essays Don’t just recycle your essays. Why are you choosing this school? Be specific. Choose topics carefully- they should be revealing about yourself and academic/intellectual. Be yourself! This is time for the college to learn more about you and what you have to say. Emphasize the positive- this is your time to shine! Have someone proofread your paper- English teachers, counselor, parents, etc. Online applications have limited space for essays, and the formatting might change when you cut and paste your essay, so check it after you upload. Don’t overdo it, just because your essay is long doesn’t mean it’s what the colleges want.
More Tips & Advice 1. DO NOT FILL OUT APPLICATIONS LATE AT NIGHT. Although access to applications is 24/7, you need to be alert and focused. Take your time, because these documents are too important to rush. 2. HAVE ALL YOUR APPLICATION INFORMATION ON HAND. You should have all application information next to you, or save your progress and go back in when you do have it. You will also need credit card information to pay application fees and standardized test score reporting fees. 3. HAVE YOUR COUNSELOR REVIEW YOUR APPLICATION - BEFORE HITTING ‘SEND.’ Your counselor needs to look over absolutely everything - especially essays and your first few applications.
FINANCIAL AID Students must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to be considered for Financial Aid for all institutions. FAFSA requires information about your family’s income and income taxes from the previous year, assets, family size, the number of members attending college and more. To maximize your chances of getting aid, submit the FAFSA as soon as possible after January 1, You can list up to 10 different school codes, so different colleges will receive your information and generate an estimate for you.
Types of Financial Aid Loans: must be paid back, be careful! Grants: do not get paid back; can be from the government or a college. Scholarships: FREE MONEY!!!! Work Study: students are offered a job on campus; usually easy and few hours/week. This is different than a part-time job on campus.
Scholarships Check the College Corner on the school website for monthly updates and Scholarship Bulletins - FAFSA, universal government form done in January another way to get to this form FAFSA.COM IS A FRAUD! search for private scholarships, grants, fellowships and loans scholarships for Hispanic students more applications and needs analysis available another needs analysis and general sources of aid also stands for Easy Access for Students and Institutions; how to plan, apply for, receive, and repay financial aid.
NOW WHAT??? Don’t panic, but you NEED to start your applications now! Don’t get Senioritis! This is the home stretch to the finish line. Use me but don’t abuse me-I am here to help you! If you have questions look at the school website or call the admissions office. Check the College Corner on the website for helpful information!
Jamie Zucker Counselor & CAP Advisor