Role Audience Format Topic Strong Verbs RAFTS
Become familiar with the writing strategy R.A.F.T. Roles Audience Format Topic TODAY’S GOALS
WHY RAFTS? Help students understand their role as a writer Draws attention to audience when writing Offers choice to students Consideration of a topic from multiple perspectives Strengthens VOICE
Closure activity Strategy allows students to synthesize a vast array of their learning Quick Write Getting students engaged WHEN TO USE RAFT?
RAFTS FOR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES – READING UNIT 2 Role : News reporter/Journalist Audience : General Public (readers) Format : Newspaper Report Topic : Explain how events from Ruby Bridges, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks impacted the rights and responsibilities of people in the United States.
1.Using essential questions and standards, identify the writing topic. 2.Brainstorm possible roles. 3.Decide the audience for this communication. 4.Using that audience, determine the writing format Can be used to differentiate … STEPS IN CREATING A RAFT
Bill of Rights Animal in the Blank Park Zoo Vacations using past tense in Spanish Unit Rates Stem and Leaf Plots Analogy and Animal Farm Polyrhythmic Work Basketball: skills and teamwork 1 IDENTIFY THE WRITING TOPIC
Characters from a story Historical figures Vocab words Instruments/tools Minerals or chemical elements Public servant Musical instruments Shapes/colors Cities, countries, continents Diseases Types of Fabric Authors or inventors Brand name or object Scientists Politicians Geographic formations Composers/artists Business or industry person Technical terms Key terms 2 BRAINSTORM POSSIBLE ROLES
Elementary School students Newspaper readers President of the United States Readers of a Blog Museum-goers Team members 3 DECIDE THE AUDIENCE FOR THIS COMMUNI- CATION
Diary entry Bulleted list Obituary Recipe Movie critic Editorial Gossip column Comic Map Print Ad Song Monologue Radiocast Museum guide Interview Political speech Cheer Sales pitch 4 DETERMINE THE WRITING FORMAT
RoleAudienceFormatTopic Semi-colonMiddle SchoolersDiary Entry“I wish you really understood where I belong!” LungsOwner of lungsPersuasive Letter“Why you should quit smoking” OreoOther OreosTravel guide“Journey through the Digestive System” Rain DropFuture DropletsAdvice Column“The Beauty of Cycles” Square RootWhole NumberLove LetterExplain Relationship LawyerUS Supreme CourtAppeal SpeechTinker v. DM decision OTHER EXAMPLES
RoleAudienceFormatTopic MERRILL EXAMPLES Your turn! Give it a try in your group: