Case Management Training 9 th April 2014
Case Management Training Welcome and Prayer Colette Stevenson
Case Management Training Explanation of the Day Teresa Devlin
Case Management Training The structure for the day will follow the flowchart provided to each of you to help you understand the case management process as a whole
Case Management Training
Key times: – Coffee Break at – Lunch 12:45 – Finish at 3:30
Case Management Training Understanding Terminology Colette Stevenson
Case Management Training Preliminary Investigation The initial inquiry by which a Diocesan Bishop or Congregational Leader determines whether an alleged delict such as sexual abuse of a minor has a semblance of truth. Once that low threshold is met, the case should be referred to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith where the next stage in the process is determined.
Case Management Training Semblance of Truth Evidence which at face value corroborates the accusation
Case Management Training Votum An authoritative opinion; in forwarding a case to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith a bishop or religious superior offers his (or her) authoritative opinion on the matter addressed in the particular case.
Case Management Training Case Management Plan A formal, written supervision programme for a cleric who has been determined to have sexually abused a minor.
Case Management Training Decree A singular decree is an administrative act issued by a Bishop or Provincial in which a decision is given or a provision is made under a case according to the norms of law.
Case Management Training Precept A singular precept is a decree which directly and legitimately enjoins a specific person or persons to do or omit something, especially in order to urge the observance of law
Case Management Training The Process of Investigation and Inquiries Teresa Devlin
Information concerning risk to a child or young person emerges DIOCESAN / CONGREGATIONAL DESIGNATED PERSSON BISHOP / CONGREGATIONAL LEADER/NBSCCC CIVIL AUTHORITIES Gardai, HSE, PSNI, HSCE Emergency Option Step 1: Reporting Procedures
Step 1: Sources of Concern
All allegations/concerns about the abuse of a child MUST be reported to the Statutory Authorities Information shared must be given to the designated person for his/her action Designated Person will inform receiver of information that the allegation has been passed to the Statutory Authorities Step 2: Reporting Arrangements
Step 2: Role of the Civil Authorities An Garda/PSNI To investigate To establish if a crime has been committed HSE/HSC To assess risk to children To put in place protection arrangements for children
Inform respondent that an allegation has been received Elicit Response Advise of right to access civil and canon law advice Appoint Adviser Step 2: Role of Bishop/Provincial
Appoint Support Person Appoint Adviser Set up Advisory Panel Step 2: Responsibility of the Church
To liaise with support person, to keep complainant informed To liaise with advisor, to keep respondent informed Co-ordinate Church activities Record all information in case file Step 2: Role of DLP
Step 2: Precept and Leave from Ministry Semblance of Truth to allegation Criminal Inquiry
Step 2:Preliminary Investigation Information received about a concern Referral to Statutory Authorities Semblance of Truth? Respondent informed Right to reply, and access to legal advice Church process halted pending outcome of Statutory Investigations
Case Management Training What are the roles involved in case management? Colette Stevenson
Role of the Bishop/Congregational Leader To be responsible for all safeguarding practices by: 1.Ensuring that the appropriate safeguarding structures and personnel are in place. 2.Liaising with the Holy See as appropriate. 3.Ensuring compliance with canon and civil law. 4.Upholding the 7 standards in practice and behaviour.
Role of the Designated Liaison Person 1.Hearing concerns or allegations. 2.Passing on concerns or allegations to civil authorities and NBSCCCI 3.Managing the case and all associated documents. 4.Liaising with the Support Person, Adviser and Bishop/Provincial. 5.Conducting internal inquiries. 6.Contributing to upholding the 7 standards in practice and behaviour.
Role of the Support Person 1.Keeping the complainant informed of the progress of the case. 2.Helping direct the complainant to counselling and support. 3.Recording any meetings or contact they have with the complainant and reporting to DLP as appropriate. 4.Upholding the 7 standards in practice and behaviour.
Role of the Adviser 1.Keeping the respondent informed of the process of the case. 2.Helping direct the respondent to counselling and support. 3.Recording any meetings or contact they have with the respondent and reporting to the DLP as appropriate. 4.Upholding the 7 standards in practice and behaviour.
Case Management Training In each group discuss the following 1.Using the roles presented by Colette, discuss: – Do you have the roles in place in your setting? – Who carries out these roles? – How do you recruit people for these roles?
Case Management Training LUNCH
Case Management Training Process of Investigations; Civil and Church Teresa Devlin
Following completion of statutory investigation, Church Inquiry can be initiated See Standards & Guidance pp. 87–88 Step 6: Preliminary Inquiry Restarted
Canon Law confers all necessary powers to take measures in promoting and ensuring the safety and welfare of children who receive pastoral care from Church personnel Step 6: Preliminary Inquiry Restarted
Ordinary appoints a canon lawyer/social worker to conduct Preliminary Inquiry, this will take into account: Information from complainant Response of respondent Corroborating evidence Historical information Step 7: Inquiry Conducted
Step 8: Inquiry Complete Report on findings to Ordinary Advisory Panel consulted Concluded and CDF informed in one of three ways
CDF have a number of options open to them: Penal Process Restrictions Laicisation Restore Good Name Step 9: CDF Informed
Case Management Training Understanding Case Management/Safety Plans Teresa Devlin
Case Management/Safety Plans This is the responsibility of DLP in consultation with the Ordinary Concerns the management of the respondent Considers risk and how this is managed Considers support for respondent Agrees monitoring arrangements
Safety Plans Respondent is involved and may seek support from his Advisor Does not include support person for complainant Theses roles will be given information on a need to know basis
Case Management Training Considering the feedback from the previous group work discuss the following: – Have the responsibilities of those in the roles identified been changed if so how? – How do you facilitate good communication between these roles? – How is information stored and by whom?
Case Management Training Feedback and final questions
Case Management Training Evaluation
Case Management Training Close