Going to University!
The months...weeks...days before... Be Proud! Sort out Accommodation Go Shopping Get in contact Pre-course reading Prepare yourself!
On The Day The Journey Arrival Friends (old and new)
Freshers’ Week Wonders! Opportunities Everywhere (sports, clubs, societies, free goodies!) Queues! Buy Books Get your bearings! (around campus, around the city, find out where important places are!)
Freshers’ Week Watch Outs! Drinking too much Fresher’s Flu Stick with people! Homesickness
A typical day.... On average 12 hours a week of lectures, seminars, tutorials. A typical weekday 8.30am9-12noon Wake up & Breakfast lecturesLunchLibrary (reading to back up lecture notes, writing essays, group work etc)
The Key to Study Success You are your own teacher Self motivation is key You will have less personal support/guidance and feedback than here at school Independence is crucial Make the most of what you have (and are paying for!)
Finances Open a student account Keep a close eye on ingoings and outgoings Your first month will be one of the most expensive Get a job???
What I wish I had known before.. I wish I had more practice at making good quality notes (quite fast)! I wish I had realised that making friends was a lot easier than I ever imagined. I wish I had replaced many of my nerves with excitement.....