L EGISLATION Children Act, 1989 Education Act, 1996 The Protection of Children Act, 1999 Children Act, 2004 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Relevant legislation you need to be aware of:
Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board An organisation, funded by the council, made up of representatives of the main statutory agencies in Oxfordshire responsible for ensuring that there are suitable policies and procedures in place within organisations with welfare and safeguarding responsibilities. This includes abuse and neglect, but also things that can impair the health and development of children and young people such as accidents and domestic violence. Provide you with guidelines when working with children & young people I MPORTANT O RGANISATIONS TO BE AWARE OF …..
The NSPCC is the UK's leading charity - specialising in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children take action It was founded in 1884 & is the only UK children's charity with statutory powers that enables it to take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse. Supporting children with ChildLine provided by the NSPCC They provide local projects to protect children and help them get over the effects of abuse The NSPCC also provides the Child Protection in Sport Unit. More details can be found at
Contact the FA’s Child Protection Team who will allocate an FA Case Manager. Complaints are usually dealt with at this level; however in some rare cases it will be passed on to the FA Head of Equality & Child Protection. The FA Complaints Procedure
Stage 1 – Concern is raised informally with an appropriate member of staff. The matter is discussed. If it is not resolved; Stage 2 – Write a formal letter complaint. If the matter is not resolved then the complaint progresses to: Stage 3 – The Principal arranges a further investigation. If the matter is still not resolved then the complaint progresses to: Stage 4 – Complaint to the Chair of Governors Stage 5 - The Governing Board’s Complaints’ Appeal Panel for a formal hearing of the complaint. The Oxford Academy’s Complaints Policy. 5 main stages are summarised below:
Reporting child abuse or neglect If you are: concerned that a child may be suffering physical, sexual or emotional abuse or is being neglected are a child or young person and you are being abused or neglected are a parent or carer and you feel you are harming your child or are close to doing so Phone the relevant contact numbers: Access to Information and Services Team: Emergency Duty Team: Banbury Assessment Team: Oxford Assessment Team: Abingdon Assessment Team: S OCIAL S ERVICES
What do Social Services do when child abuse is reported? 1.Support families, help them care for their children & improve family life. 2.Work with the family & other agencies to make sure the child safe 3.Families unable or unwilling to co-operate where children are still at risk of harm will be helped by schools, health services & the police Child Protection Unit in circumstances of crime. What Happens Next? A child protection conference will take place involving the authority & family members. A child protection plan is drawn up to help ensure the safety and welfare of the child. In a very small number of cases children cannot remain safely at home. In these cases the local authority to obtain a court order to remove the child from the home. Whenever possible they will be cared for by relatives or friends. Further information is available at the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board.