DSA Review Seminar: e-activity in Scotland’s colleges Friday 18 May 2007 SFEU, Stirling Moira Glencorse, West Lothian College
Taking DSA forward in West Lothian College Agreed areas to be audited Nominated staff attended first workshop Follow-on workshop back in college Completed audit workbook & questionnaire Identified improvements in college processes Actions
Staff/areas participating in Audit: Manager of The Hub/SDC Tutor, HNC/D Computing Workplace Assessor, Management VQs Tutor, HNC/D Business/VLE Developer Service Leader, Core Skills ICT Manager Director of Curriculum
Issues explored before commencing Audit: What is e-learning/e-activity? Do we have “e-learners”? Do our strategies, policies, procedures and processes make explicit reference to e-learning? Do we want to make use of the option to add college-defined “criteria”?
Key Messages: Good progress in using e-learning approaches in the areas selected for audit Greater progress in e-activity where it is “demand-led” College-wide all learners benefit from e- activity at all stages of their learning experience - from initial enquiry to exit
Key messages (continued) Our current college strategies, operating plans and actions do promote and support the embedding of e-learning into mainstream activity Policies, procedures and guidance notes are relevant to all learners and are applicable to those who engage in e-enhanced learning Some processes, eg evaluation, should be seeking explicit feedback on the effectiveness of e-activities
Main Points for Action: The College and Programme Teams to use outcomes of the audit to inform self-evaluation Review of college policies and procedures – to check if “e” issues need to be clarified Seek explicit feedback from learners and staff on effectiveness of e-activities Audit of learning and teaching packs for extent and range and planned e-activities Evidence of minimum 10% of e-activity required for Internal Programme Approval Sharing good practice and staff development Follow-up audit in 2008 using DSA tool