Lonmin-IFC Partnership Benedicta Sepora WIM Operations Officer, IFC Lonmin Women in Mining Program
2 The Lonmin Women in Mining Program To support sustainable integration of10% women in its workforce as required by the DME & in Lonmin SLP by Background: 4.6% by the end of FY07 out of workforce of 25,000 No gender structure, ownership or budget Implementation Structure : EVP Human Capital is process owner Lonmin Employment Equity Forum Lonmin Women’s Union Committee IFC WIM Operations Officer
3 Policies & Structures Recruitment and Retention Physical Env. & Job Suitability Culture Change Recruitment Appointment Ratio Tool Alternative Job Placement for Pregnant Women Change Houses, Toilets & PPE Communication & Diversity Man Program Training Sexual Harassment Community Impact Survey Equipment/ Safety Study Structures and Committees Policies and Procedures Gender Health Risk Assessments Balanced Scorecard Salary Disparity Study WIM Business Case Lonmin Women in Mining Initiatives
Key Lonmin Women in Mining Achievements Lonmin Policies and Structures 4 WIM policies signed off Lonmin’s women union and other committee structures reactivated Recruitment and Retention Culture Change Physical Environment & Job Suitability Diversity management review conducted WIM communications campaign launched SH grievance procedures developed Hiring &retention tracking tools developed Alternative placement system for pregnant women developed Gender & race salary disparity survey conducted Female job risk analysis completed Gender health risk assessment Matrix in place WIM Business Case Household wellness survey completed Practitioner’s manual for integrating women into mining developed
5 Track HDSA &women appointment and retention. Hold line managers responsible for achievement of targets. Lonmin WIM Hiring and Tracking Tool
Current Status (May2010) AREATHRESHOLD TARGET 2010 WIM3.03%6.8% WAM 6.9%10%
7 Track pregnancy trends & number of women placed in alternative positions or given leave of absence after being removed from hazardous areas. Alternative Placement Management Control System
8 Identify potential medical risks for women in hazardous areas & provide guidance on incorporation of gender dimension in the bi-annual health risk assessments. Female Job Risk Analysis / Health Risk Assessment Matrix for Women
9 To assess the differential impact of hiring women on household well-being thus linking women appointment with community development Household Wellness Survey
10 To educate staff across all levels on Women in Mining policies, procedures, Sexual Harassment & Maternity. Lonmin WIM Communications Campaign Successfully integrating women into the workforce can be achieved only through a clear communication strategy, persistent efforts and repeated messages. Lonmin WIM Program Communication was done through: Audio visual articles, case studies & success stories Program posters & its achievements at strategic locations Lonmin intranet news flashes on program’s progress Awareness campaigns & trainings on SH & maternity policies.
Summary of Lonmin WIM Program Successes Only female Lonmin VP identified as WIM Champion. 42% increase in women since 2007 – now make up 6.9% of workforce. 483 women hired at Lonmin since September projects implemented in 5 thematic areas over 2 years. 4 WIM-related policies adopted by Lonmin, including SH & maternity. 3 control systems developed and operationalised to retain women. 12 women change houses & 197 toilets built at all shafts. Community impact of hiring women surveys completed. 11