MRS. ROSENBLOOM Policies and Procedures
Materials needed Composition book College ruled paper Blue or black ink pens Tables roll of paper towel Tables 4-6 a box of tissues Google account
Grading Scale A=100%-90% B=89%-80% C=79%-70% F=69% and below
Grade Weights GLO’s (behavioral expectations)=10% Formatives (class work, homework, quizzes)=40% Summatives (tests, projects, or essays)=50%
Classroom Environment Respect yourself and others. Your job is to learn and not infringe on other students’ right to learn. Classroom behavior is expected.
Academic Honesty Cheating, fabrication, alteration, forgery, unauthorized collaboration, and plagirism are class B offences 1 st offense: zero, parent call, and log entry 2 nd offense: same as above with referral to administrator for detention. 3 rd offense: same as above with referral to administrator for suspension.
Other policies and procedures You will sit in assigned seat. You will be on time. Enter class through the back of the class. As you enter collect daily handouts on the back shelf before you sit down. Homework will be turned in the pink basket before the tardy bell rings. Start bell work before tardy bell rings.
Other policies and procedures Late work and homework will be accepted, however you only have till the following Monday to turn it in, you will get deducted points. Major assignments will receive 10% less for every week it is late. If you are absent, you must provide an excuse note to make up work. You will have three days from returning to make up work. Assignments without identification will be placed in a no name folder, and if left unclaimed for a week, it will be tossed.
Other policies and procedures In order to leave this room, you will need to use a hall pass. You get 3 every quarter. If you choose not use them, you will get 10 points extra credit for each unused pass. If you are gone longer than 10 mines without appropriate permission, you will lose one of your additional passes. Computer issues are not valid reasons for late work. Student who have 3 or more assignments missing will get a phone call home to parent and/or referral to counselor. No hats on head or bags on desks.
Mistakes in grading We are all prone to make mistakes. If you see an error in grades please see me outside of class time.
Success in my classroom Success is determined by YOUR willingness to participate, prepare, and work hard. If you have questions or need extra help, I encourage you to come and see me or me.