Musculoskeletal System
Combining Forms Calcane/o: calcaneum Carp/o: carpus Chondr/o: cartilage Cost/o: ribs Fasci/o: band, fascia Femor/o: femur Fibr/o: fiber, fibrous tissue Fibul/o: fibula Humer/o: Humerus Kyph/o: humpback Lamin/o: lamina Leiomy/o: smooth muscle
Combining Forms Lord/o: curve Metacarp/o: metacarpus Muscul/o: muscle Patell/o: patella Radi/o: radius, radiation Phalang/o: phalanges Scoli/o: crooked, bent Sequestr/o: separation Stern/o: sternum Tibi/o: tibia Ankyl/o: stiff, bent, crooked Spondyl/o, vertebr/o: vertebra Ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o: tendon
Suffixes -clasia: to break, fracture -sarcoma: malignant tumor of connective tissue -spasm: twitching Ambly/o: dull, dim
Overview Orthopedics: the branch of medicine that deals with musculoskeletal disorders Orthopedist: a doctor who uses medical, physical and surgical methods to restore function in bones and muscles that was lost due to injury Rheumatologist: a doctor that specializes in arthritis and joint diseases Chiropractor: not a physician, uses a system of therapy based on the theory that disease is caused by pressure on the nerves
Overview Parts: bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons Functions: to support, protect and move the body Generate heat and maintain posture Articulation: the site of contact between 2 bones “joint” Contraction: the shortening or tightening of a muscle Synovial fluid: the lubricating fluid secreted by the membrane in a joint
Diseases and Conditions Muscular dystrophy: a group of hereditary diseases that shows progressive degeneration of muscles, leading to increasing weakness and debilitation Myasthenia gravis: an autoimmune disorder with progressive fatigue and severe muscle weakness, especially in the face Rotator cuff injury: injury to the shoulder joint Sprain: trauma to a joint and ligament with pain and disability
Diseases and Conditions Strain: trauma to a muscle from overuse or excessive stretching Tendinitis: inflammation of a tendon caused by injury or overuse “tendonitis” Torticollis: spasms of the neck muscles causing stiffness “wryneck”
Diseases and Conditions Arthritis: inflammation of a joint with pain, swelling and changes in structure Gouty: arthritis caused by excessive uric acid in the body “gout” Osteoarthritis: degeneration of joints with destruction of articular cartilage Rheumatoid arthritis: chronic inflammatory disease affecting the synovial membranes of multiple joints leading to crippling deformities Bunion: a deformity with lateral deviation of the great toe and abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe
Diseases and Conditions Carpal tunnel syndrome: pain or numbness resulting from compression of the medial nerve within the carpal tunnel Contracture: fibrosis of tissue in a muscle or joint that prevents movement Crepitation: a grating sound made by 2 bones rubbing together Ewing sarcoma: a malignant bone marrow tumor usually found in teenage boys Fracture: any break or crack in a bone
Diseases and Conditions Ganglion cyst: a noncancerous, jelly-like, fluid-filled lump that develops in tendons or joints of the wrists, hands or feet Herniated disk: herniation or rupture of the gelatinous material within an intervertebral disk “prolapsed disk” Osteomyelitis: an infection that encompasses all bone components Osteoporosis: a decrease in bone density with an increase in porosity causing bones to become brittle and break easily
Diseases and Conditions Paget disease: abnormal bone destruction and regrowth of bones at numerous sites that results in deformities “osteitis deformans” Rickets: a form of Osteomalacia in children caused by a vitamin D deficiency Sequestrum: a fragment of necrosed bone that has become separated
Diseases and Conditions Spinal curvatures: abnormal deviation of the spine from its normal position Kyphosis: increased curvature of the thoracic vertebrae “hunchback” Lordosis: forward curvature of the lumbar vertebrae “swayback” Scoliosis: sideward curvature of the spine that causes back pain
Diseases and Conditions Spondylitis: inflammation of one or more vertebrae Ankylosing spondylitis: a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown origin that affects the spine Vertebrae fuse and lose their mobility Spondylolisthesis: partial forward dislocation of one vertebra over the one below it “spinal cord compression” Subluxation: incomplete dislocation of a bone from its joint “partial dislocation”
Diagnostic Procedures Arthrocentesis: puncture of a joint space to obtain synovial fluid Arthroscopy: visual examination of a joint using a thin fiberopitc scope
Medical and Surgical Procedures Arthroplasty: surgical reconstruction or replacement of a painful or diseased joint Total hip arthroplasty: replacement of the femoral head “hip replacement” Sequestrectomy: excision of a Sequestrum
Pharmacology Bone reabsorption inhibitors: reduce the reabsorption of bone to treat bone weakness Gold salts: treat rheumatoid arthritis by inhibiting immune system activity Muscle relaxants: relieve muscle spasms, pain and stiffness Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: relieve mild to moderate pain and inflammation
Abbreviations CTS: carpal tunnel syndrome Fx: fracture HNP: herniated nucleus pulpous (herniated disk) MD: muscular dystrophy MG: myasthenia gravis NSAIDs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs RA: rheumatoid arthritis THR: total hip replacement