7A Policies and Procedures
New School Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday AMWednesday PM Period 1&6: electives Period 1: electivesPeriod 6: electives
Professional Learning Community (PLC) You and your student will be hearing this term several times this year. It is not a new education initiative, it is a school culture. PLC is a powerful way of working collaboratively that profoundly effects the rise in student learning. So how are we going to do this…
As a member of a PLC There are four questions we, as teachers, will be asking this year: 1. What do we want students to learn? 2. How do we know if the students have learned? 3. What do we do if students haven’t learned? 4. How do we respond if they already know it? Questions 1 & 2 will be done through teaching and assessment. Questions 3 & 4 will be done in our PRIDE hour. We will be looking at student data to determine if your student needs re- teaching, or if your student already knows it, an enrichment activity.
PRIDE Hour Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for 6th, 7th and 8th graders Will also be students’ home base period To start the year, students will be: Engaging in team building activities Agreeing on a Team name, mascot, and team chant ELA/MA Pretesting Completing a Learning Styles Inventory Learning about the Student Handbook and school and team expectations Learning about the appropriate expectations for their behavior when walking in the halls, attending an assembly, going to the library, using the restroom, eating in the cafeteria, etc Understanding the new class schedule and bell schedule Understanding Altadeña’s PRIDE program – our Positive Behavior Intervention Program and the associated rewards Students will have an opportunity to give input to the PRIDE reward program via a student survey
PRIDE Hour PRIDE Hour will also be a time where students: Needing extra help in their core classes will receive that assistance from a teacher. Needing enrichment or extension of their learning will receive instruction from a teacher. Needing to make up missed assignments or tests will complete these tasks. Complete core class activities or assignments that cannot be completed during regular class time.
TWO Elective classes everyday (except Wednesday) This year, every student will have two elective classes that meet everyday except Wednesday. Students will see one of their two elective classes every other Wednesday. We call these AM Wednesdays (when students will see their morning or before lunch elective) and PM Wednesdays (when students will see their afternoon or after lunch elective). We are VERY excited to have a schedule that allows for two electives daily!
Team Policies No printing homework in class during the school day. Printing services in the library before school. 3 tardies = a lunch detention Students are tardy if they are not in the classroom when the bell rings. Bathroom passes will be given to students the first week of each quarter. Students need to come to class prepared to learn with all their supplies.
Late Work Policy Daily homework: No late work accepted Projects: Will be accepted with a 10% deduction per day late (up to 3 days) off the earned grade.
Dress Code Policy Teachers will be doing a dress code check every morning at the beginning of first period. Please try your hardest to make sure they are following the school district dress code policy. See Kyrene or Student Handbook if you have questions.
Gum Policy There is NO GUM allowed on campus. Their warning will be announced the first day of school. Any student caught chewing gum will receive an automatic lunch detention. If it becomes a recurring issue, then they will have to visit administration.
Cheating Policy Homework/Classwork: This is handled at the classroom level. No referral Parents contacted by the teacher Student will receive a zero for the assignment
Cheating Policy Assessments: Teacher has observed direct evidence of cheating. Example: student is observed copying directly off another paper, student has information written on desk, clothing, etc., plagiarism, or assisting another student on assessment. Referral to administration Parents contacted by the teacher Student will receive a zero for the assignment
Altadeña Grading Policy 80% Assessment 20% Classwork/Homework
Donation/Supply List We are in need of certain supplies. We have listed which supplies we need on our team website as well. If you are willing and able to make a donation, please send them with your student or drop them off in the office labeled with Team 7A.
We Need Your Help And Support Due to statewide budget cuts, Altadeña had to cut our supply budget for the school year by over $5000 and our substitute budget by $15,000. We need your support through Tax Credit donations (to pay for sponsors for clubs, Learning Lab, and other extra curricular activities). PTSO plans to support Altadeña by providing supplies, especially copy paper, to help ease the impact of these financial cuts. Please support our school so we can continue to provide the best possible education to your children!!
School Websites Kyrene Website Parent Resources Student Resources ParentVue 7A Team Website
Parent Survey Please take the survey linked on the 7A website.
Join the Altadeña Listserve Altadeña sends all communication to parents through our listserve. Go to the Altadeña homepage at Under Quicklinks click on Subscribe to Altadeña Listserve. You have many other choices of newsletters and information you can receive from Kyrene. Click on Altadeña Middle School, enter your and name and hit submit. Thanks and watch for important information coming your way!
WE LOOK FORWARD TO A GREAT YEAR Thank you for attending Meet the Teacher Night!