Deer Are Not So Dear!
Our Goal Don’t grow the plants that you like, grow the plants that the deer don’t like!!!
Understanding What We ’ re Up Against Understanding What We ’ re Up Against An exploding deer population Human populations shifting to rural and suburban home sites Loss of deer habitat to development Landowner decisions to prevent deer hunting
Persian Lilac Sunny Shrubs that Deer Don’t Love! Butterfly Bush Sweet Pepper Bush St. John’s Wort Weigela Florida Persian Lilac
Achillea/Yarrow Columbine Foxglove/Digitalis Perennials for a Sunny Garden Bee Balm Dianthus Lavender
Annuals for a Sunny Garden Purple Coneflower Cosmos Zinnias Snapdragons Four O’clock Marigolds
More Annuals for a Sunny Garden Coleus Cockscomb Ageratum Black eyed Susan Portulaca
Made in the Shade Perennials Deer Verboten!!! Japanese Painted Fern Phlox stolinifera Bugleweed Southern Maidenhair Fern Helleborus Bleeding Heart
Mountain Laurel Shady Shrubs that Deer Don’t Love! Spurge/ Pachysandra Leucothoe Doublefile Viburnum Bridalwreath Spirea
A Sunny Plan to Inspire you……..
Written by Ruth Rogers Clausen Key to Plan 1. Butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii 'Purple Emperor'). 2. Butterfly bush (Bddleja dvidii 'Peacock'). 3. Milky bellflower (Campanula lactiflora 'Loddon Anna'). 4. Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea 'Razzmatazz'). 5. Anise hyssop (Agastache 'Blue Fortune'). 6. Purple maiden grass (Miscanthus 'Purpurascens'). 7. Yarrow (Achillea 'Moonshine'). 8. Hybrid cranesbill (Geranium 'Jolly Bee'). 9. Blue oat grass (Helictotrichon sempervirens 'Saphirsprundel'). 10. Tickseed (Coreopsis 'Creme Brulee'). 11. Perennial sage (Salvia x sylvestris 'May Night'). 12. Germander (Teucrium hyrcanicum 'Paradise Delight').
Foxglove Lady Fern Bleeding Heart Primrose Astilbe Lily of the Valley A Shade Plan to Inspire you……..
Our Tool Box Virginia Tech University University of West Virginia Pennsylvania State University University of Connecticut University of Illinois AHS Southeast Smart Garden Guide AHS Encyclopedia of Perennials AHS A-Z encyclopedia of Garden Plants Other Websites, too numerous to list here!
But always remember, Resistant does not mean Deer Proof, and Harmony is a very beautiful thing! Kumbaya, y’all!