Expectations and Procedures
Expectations The scholars will be expected to be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to learn. The scholars will be expected to participate in all classroom activities. The scholars will be expected to follow all necessary lab procedures and always follow appropriate lab safety rules.
Procedures when entering the class… 1. Enter the classroom quietly. 2. Pick up all handouts. 3. Sharpen pencils when entering the room. 4. Quickly and quietly sit down and begin copying the day’s homework and Warm up activity. 5. Get ready to learn something new and work towards our goal of 80% mastery every day.
Procedures when exiting the class… 1. Complete all appropriate assignments in order to professionally exit my classroom. 2. Pick up all trash or papers on the floor and the desks. 3. Return all supplies you used to the proper place. 4. Make sure your desks are orderly. 5. Sit quietly and wait to be dismissed.
Grade Scale A= B= C= D= F= 69 and Below
Late Work Policy I do accepts late assignments up until the last day of the grading period, but for each day late 10% will be deducted Teacher will provide scholars with an opportunity to demonstrate “mastery” by completing “test corrections.” Failing grades can be improved in this manner up to a 77/C maximum. Each graded formal assessment should be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to class for a grade. ***It is the responsibility of the student to request make-up work***
Absence & Tardiness Policy You are expected to be in class every day prepared before the bell rings. If you are absent and the absence is excused you will receive time equal to the amount of time missed to make up work. In other words for every day missed, one day is given to make up work. Retakes for missed tests and quizzes must be scheduled within one week of the quiz or test.