Enrollment Agreements Must Be Filled Out Completely and Accurately Legally Binding Document ( ) – Outlines financial obligations of both the institution and university – Must outline all program related tuition and fees – Must be signed by student and admissions representative – Copy must be provided to the student – Original should be retained in admissions/academic file with a copy in the financial aid file
Enrollment Agreement for European Campuses – Page 1 Student needs to input all demographic information in top portion, if student does not have an SSN, then have them list N/A Make sure the student selects the campus location and then selects a degree and writes in the correct program of study. You will need to provide the applicant the start date of the program as well as the end date of the program (should be for the entire program, not just an academic year).
Enrollment Agreement for European Campuses – Page 1 Continued Make sure applicant initials the top box if he or she is electing to enroll into the University of Roehampton. The student must initial the bottom box.
Enrollment Agreement for European Campuses – Page 2 The only field that the applicant needs to complete on the second page is initialing the box at the bottom of the page.
Enrollment Agreement for European Campuses – Page 3 Student must sign the enrollment agreement on the applicant signature line as well as date the document. The date should always be prior to the start of class. The admissions representative must countersign and date the document. The date should be on or after the applicant’s signature date. Parents only need to sign the agreement if the applicant is under the age of 18 at the date of signature. Applicant must initial the bottom of page 3.
Uploading Enrollment Agreements and Transcripts into CampusVue Upon a student being moved into a future start status, the AD- Official HS/GED transcript, the AD – Official College Transcript, and the AM – Enrollment Agreement documents will be added into a requested required status in Campus Vue. If any of these are not required documents then you can highlight and delete that document.
Uploading Enrollment Agreements and Transcripts into CampusVue Cont. To upload the document you will highlight the document line and then click on the display document button. Once you complete that step you will see the second box appear and then you will click on the first button that looks like a disk with an arrow pointing up. After clicking on that button then you will browse your computer or network and find the document that needs to be uploaded.
Uploading Enrollment Agreements and Transcripts into CampusVue Cont. Once completed you will notice the second button now becomes active and you can view/display your document. Once closing the enrollment agreement box you will also notice there is a little blue icon next to the document that you uploaded. You can also highlight the line the document is located in and click the display document button at any time after to view the document. It will then bring up the document that you have uploaded. We need to retain the original document in the physical file. As stated in the compliance memo, this is going to be how we complete internal reviews to ensure that we are following our newly created policy/procedure.