INTERNET SOCIETY Strategy and Public Policy Overview Frederic Donck Director Public Policy Internet Society Inet Meeting/LACNIC Salvador de Bahia, Brazil 30 May 2008
LACNIC- Salvador2 The Internet Society Founded in 1992 by Internet Pioneers –International non-profit organization 90+ organization members 28,000+ individual members 90+ chapters worldwide Regional Bureaus: Africa, Latin America & Caribbean, South & South East Asia, and others coming The mission of the Internet Society is to promote the open development, evolution, and use of the Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world. 30 May 20082
LACNIC- Salvador3 Overall Strategy 1.Enabling Access to the Internet – through policy, standards and technology, and new resources; 2.InterNetWorks – so that the Internet remains an open end-to-end entity – with all of the associated technological, policy, social and business benefits; 3.Trust & Identity – identifying and promoting activities that resolve some of the persistent issues in this critical area ( e.g. elevating "Identity" to a core issue in network research and standards development ).
LACNIC- Salvador4 Enabling access *Major* Challenge: how to put the next billion on-line EA is not *only* a technology driven issue: it includes for example, access to technical skills and knowledge, the regulatory and policy environment for information and telecommunications services, and broader economic and market factors, language diversity, and the diffusion and reliability of basic infrastructures and services. Access: access to *and* use of the network-enabled services that would make a difference in people lives
LACNIC- Salvador5 Enabling Access & Public Policy Regulatory impediments to internetworking, onerous licensing requirements and other regulatory and policy factors can slow or prevent Internet growth. =>Some of ISOC Goals –Encourage policymakers to adopt ICT policies and positions that promote the expansion and reach of Internet infrastructure on a national and global basis. –Facilitate the elimination of regulatory impediments to Internet growth. –Educate policymakers on contemporary Internet issues in order to promote sound decision making. –Educate policymakers and regulators on the broader economic/market and social factors that impact Internet development.
LACNIC- Salvador6 ISOC Public Policy Integrated in ISOC global strategy 1.Localize high level discussions: regional approach 2.Engagement/Visibility 3.Collaborative engagement with the TC 4.Bottom-up approach (Members) :
LACNIC- Salvador7 1. Act Locally Implement local capacity building and internet model Identify regional challenges Explore local solutions Multistakeholders approach 3 Regional Bureaus: LAC, Africa and the new ISOC RB in SE/S Asia.
LACNIC- Salvador8 2.Engagement & outreach Increasing visibility with decision makers and key influencers New engagement –OECD (see below) –Intl Organization (UNESCO, etc.) –Regional organizations (eg. UNECA, etc.)
LACNIC- Salvador9 The 2008 OECD Ministerial: The future of the Internet economy Followup to 1998 Ministerial on e-commerce Invited 13 Internet technical organizations to provide input on same basis as business and civil society –ISOC Coordinating IPv4-IPv6 transition paper: developed with ISOC inputs 1-day Internet technical community forum to advise Ministers –NRO members participating –Several speakers from our community in Ministerial round tables Opportunity to make our points to the leading developed nations 30 May 20089
LACNIC- Salvador10 3. Collaborative engagement with the TC ISOC and partner I* organizations are recognized as key advocates for the open & collaborative Internet model As governments look to current Internet challenges, they need to understand that that model works Our community has a track record of successfully overcoming problems and an admirable history of cooperation The big challenge now is to show we can continue to do so… 30 May
LACNIC- Salvador11 4. Bottom up Approach Greater engagement of Org. Members and Chapters: a key factor in Public Policy Role of LAC Bureau
LACNIC- Salvador12 Thank for your attention I would now like to listen to you => Feedback requested: