Reptiles and Amphibians A Presentation From: Living Desert Zoo and Gardens State Park Carlsbad, New Mexico
There are 6,800 reptile species on earth. The major reptile groups are: Alligators and Crocodiles Turtles and Tortoises Snakes Lizards
Reptiles are Vertebrates They have an internal skeleton with a backbone.
Reptiles have tough, dry, scaly skin made of keratin (what fingernails are made of) that protects them from drying out. The large scales of turtles, tortoises, and crocodilians are called scutes. Reptiles Have Dry, Scaly Skin
Reptiles shed their skin to grow bigger. Snakes shed their skin all in one piece, turning it inside out as they shed. The skin is left in one piece and looks like a tube. An adult snake will shed two to five times a year. A young snake will shed more often as it grows faster. Most lizards shed their skin in pieces. That often begins with the skin splitting down the lizard’s back. A rapidly growing lizard might shed every two weeks. Legless lizards shed their skins like a snake. Corn Snake shedding its skin Leopard Gecko shedding its skin Green Anole lizard eating its shed skin
Crocodiles and alligators have large scales (scutes), which are shed individually. A turtle’s skin is shed like a lizard’s. The hard shells of most turtles are not shed. Instead new layers are added to the underside of their shells. The age of the turtle can be determined by the number of rings on its shell’s scutes. Scutes on a live Alligator Alligator Scute Fossils Turtle Scutes
Reptiles are Ectothermic Most reptiles are ectothermic - they use their environment to warm and cool their bodies. If they are cold, they must lay in the sun to raise their body temperature. If they get too hot, they must find shade to cool off. Many reptiles are active at night, so they can avoid becoming too hot and having their skin dry out.
Reptiles produce tough, leathery shelled eggs that keep moisture and warmth in and predators out. Most reptiles lay their eggs in a place where they will be kept warm and humid. Some reptiles keep their eggs inside their bodies and then give birth to live young. Most reptiles lay their eggs and then leave them. Lizard in egg Snake Turtle Reptiles Lay Eggs
Reptile Babies Look Like Little Adults Reptiles possess most of their adult characteristics at the time of hatching. Unlike most amphibians, they do not undergo a larval stage or experience metamorphosis.
Is it an Alligator or a Crocodile? American Crocodile 13 to 16 feet long 800 to 1,100 pounds (males) 60 to 66 teeth Long, slender V-shaped snouts Lower teeth are visible when the mouth is closed Dull grayish-green or olive-green color Life span: 60 to 70 years Live in brackish and saltwater wetlands Mothers assist babies in hatching. Young are ready to be on their own right away. American Alligator 8 to 13 feet long 800 to 1,000 pounds (males) 70 to 80 teeth Broad, U-shaped snouts Bottom teeth are not visible when the mouth is closed Brown, gray, or nearly black Life span: 30 to 35 years Live mostly in fresh water swamps Mothers assist babies in hatching. Young stay with mother for a few months.
There are over 4,675 lizards species in six families: Iguanas Chameleons Monitors Skinks Geckos Gila Monsters Lizards
Lizards have different types of diets. Some eat only plants (herbivores), some eat only insects or small mammals (carnivore), and some eat both plants and animals (omnivores). Some lizards (such as whiptails) lose their tails when they feel threatened. The lost tail distracts the predator so the lizard can get away. The tail grows back later. Some lizards (Gila monsters) store food in their fat tails. Some lizards (geckoes) have special feet which allow them to hold on to walls, ceilings, etc. Lizards
Snakes There are about 2,600 species of snakes. Most snakes are not venomous. All snakes can bite, swim, climb, and drink water. Snakes only strike people in self-defense. Most baby snakes are able to care for themselves from the time they are born. All snakes are carnivores (meat eaters). Their hundreds of tiny vertebrae and ribs allow them to be very flexible. Northern Water Snake
Turtles spend most of their lives in water. have low domed shells. have webbing between their toes for swimming. can be carnivores (meat), herbivores (plants), or omnivores (both.) do not have teeth, but they have as sharp beak. Tortoises are turtles that live on hot dry land, and go to water only to drink or bathe. mostly have high domed shells. have elephant shaped legs. have round stumpy feet for walking and digging burrows. eat low growing shrubs, grasses, and cacti. do not have teeth, but they do have a sharp beak.
There are about 4,000 species of amphibians. The major amphibian groups are: 1. Frogs and Toads 2. Salamanders 3. Caecilians (she-SILL-yens) (a legless, salamander-type animal)
Amphibians are Vertebrates They have an internal skeleton and a backbone. Bull Frog Skeleton Toad Skeleton
Amphibians are Ectothermic Couch’s Spadefoot Toad Tiger Salamander Green Frog Amphibians are ectothermic - they use their environment to warm and cool their bodies. If they are cold, they must lay in the sun to raise their body temperature. If they get too hot, they must find shade to cool off. Many amphibians are active at night, so they can avoid becoming too hot and having their skin dry out.
Amphibians have thin, permeable skin. This means the skin lets water pass into their bodies easily. Many amphibians don’t need to drink water. Animals that don’t live near the water absorb enough water from the moist soil they live in. Their thin skin also allows them to absorb oxygen. This is helpful for the animal because they have small lungs. Amphibians Have Special Skin Tiger Salamander Bull Frog
Amphibians Shed their Skin Frogs, toads, and salamanders have thin skins that they shed regularly. They shed their skin in one piece. Once the skin is shed, they eat it!
Amphibians Lay Their Eggs in Water Amphibian eggs don’t have shells. Instead they are protected by a clear, jellylike substance and must be kept it water or in wet conditions.
Amphibians Go Through Metamorphosis Young amphibians do not look like they will when they are adults. Amphibian means "double life" in Greek. Most amphibians start life in the water and then, through metamorphosis, develop into adults that live mostly on land. During metamorphosis the animals’ bodies will have many changes.
Metamorphosis of a Frog The younger tadpoles still have their gills. The older tadpoles have lost their gills and are breathing with lungs. Adult frogs with spawn (jellylike eggs) Embryos beginning to split in two Tadpoles still in spawn
The back legs are just starting to develop. The back legs have grown a little. The back legs are developed. The front legs are now present. This froglet is now 8 weeks old. It still has its tail, but it looks almost like an adult.
Salamander Metamorphosis Salamanders in eggs. Salamander with gills. Their heads are not as large as a frog tadpole. This adult salamander is now able to live on the land. Salamanders like to stay under moist leaves and rocks. Salamander with gills. The front legs develop first.
Frogs have ridges along the sides of their backs, narrower bodies and faces and large eardrums. They have moist, smooth skin. Frogs have teeth. They have long, powerful legs. Most frogs have webbed hind feet and pointed toes. They lay their eggs in clusters of single eggs. They live mostly in water. Their tongues are attached in the front of their mouths, so they can reach far to catch prey. They jump long distances to get away from predators. Most have mild poison glands, which don’t protect them much from predators. Toads have plump bodies with large glands on the sides of their faces. They have dry, warty (bumpy) skin. Toads do not have teeth. They have plump, shorter, less powerful legs (for walking). They lay their eggs in long chains. A few toads give birth to live young. They live on land as adults. Toads return to the water to lay eggs. Their tongues are attached at the back of the mouth. Toads have stronger poison glands for protection. In some species, the poison is strong enough to kill dogs and cats. Frogs and Toads
Prehistoric Reptiles and Amphibians Many prehistoric reptiles and amphibians became extinct thousands of years ago. By looking at the skeletons (fossils) of these animals, we have a good idea what they looked like. Many of today’s reptiles and amphibians look much like the prehistoric ones, but usually a lot smaller. Challenge: Use the prehistoric animal’s skeleton to determine what kind of animal it was. Answers are on the next slide. ? ? ? ? ? ?
Alligators? Frogs? Lizards? Salamanders? Snakes? Turtles? What were they?
This alligator from Florida grew to be about 20 ft. in length. This alligator lived in Colorado about 50 million years ago. Today, the American Alligator grows to be 8 to 13 ft. long and weighs just over 1,000 pounds. Prehistoric Today
What was it? Alligator? Frog? Lizard? Salamander? Snake? Turtle?
PrehistoricToday This sand monitor from Australia weighs 13 lbs. and is 4.6 ft. long. This whiptail lizard lives in the Chihuahuan Desert and its body is 2 ½ - 4 in. long. This 80 million year old lizard fossil is from the Gobi Desert.
What was it? Alligator? Frog? Lizard? Salamander? Snake? Turtle?
This frog from Germany is 49 million years old. Prehistoric Today
Alligators? Frogs? Lizards? Salamanders? Snakes? Turtles? What were they ?
Prehistoric Today This Titanoboa cerrejonesis was found in Columbia. Scientist believe it weighed 1,140 lbs. and was 42.7 ft. long. This Pachyrhachis problematicus was found in Israel. This boa constructor from Columbia is 13 ft. long and weighs 60 lbs.
What was it? Alligator? Frog? Lizard? Salamander? Snake? Turtle?
This prehistoric salamander from Germany is almost 6 feet long and lived nearly 280 million years ago. Tiger Salamander Today salamanders have bodies that are from 4 to 8 inches long. Prehistoric Today
Alligators? Frogs? Lizards? Salamander? Snakes? Turtles? What were they?
The Meiolania was an 8.2 ft. long tortoise found in Australia. Its head was 2 ft. wide, which prevented it from being able to pull its head completely into its shell. The Proganochelys quenstedtii was a 3.3 ft. long turtle found in Germany. It had a long tail with spikes that it used as a club. Prehistoric Today This turtle from Kansas is over 65 million years old. This alligator snapping turtle is one of the largest freshwater turtles in the world. It can weigh up to 200 pounds.