NBOZ Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning District Village of North Palm Beach Landscape Element Requirements
History Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning (NBOZ) was created to adopt a comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional streetscape plan to retain and attract commercial activity along the corridor through the adoption of urban design guidelines. These guidelines included regulations addressing permitted land uses, architectural elements, landscape elements, signage and outdoor displays, and site plan elements. On February 27, 2003, the Village adopted the Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning District (NBOZ) by Ordinance based on the Northlake Boulevard Corridor Task Force recommendations.
Applicability All new development must comply with all of the regulations, procedures, and design guidelines as set forth by the NBOZ district and the Village of North Palm Beach All renovations, additions, or redevelopment to existing structures where the cost of such is GREATER than 50% of the assessed improvement value of the parcel or an increase of 20 % of the square footage of the existing structure shall comply with 100% of the NBOZ regulations When the use of an existing structure ceases for 180 consecutive days or otherwise has been determined to be a discontinued use by the local zoning code the NBOZ regulations will apply
Affected Area The Village of North Palm Beach area runs from US 1 to one (1) lot west of State Road A1A (Alt A1A) along the North side of Northlake Boulevard, approximately 1.3 miles Only lots adjacent to Northlake Boulevard are affected
Landscape Element Purpose To improve and sustain the aesthetic appearance of the corridor through creative landscaping which helps to harmonize and enhance the natural environment. Promote water conservation through the use of native and drought tolerant plant material and utilization of water conserving irrigation practices. Provide a visual buffer between otherwise incompatible types of land uses and adjacent right-of-ways. Encourage innovative and cost-effective approaches to design, installation, and maintenance of landscaping.
Landscape Element Compliance Date All existing development shall conform to the provisions of the article, 8 years from the effective date of these regulations (3/2002) Due to economic conditions, the compliance date of the NBOZ regulations was extended to May 31 st, 2014
Landscape Key Elements NBOZ Minimum Landscape Requirements: The following list is a general reference only and is not comprehensive, the complete NBOZ article is available on the Village’s website. 50% of trees and shrubs are to be native and or drought tolerant Florida grades and standards are to be met
Landscape Buffers Public right-of-way buffers: Street Frontage Up to 110’ property width 10’ buffer From 111’ – 150’ property width 15’ buffer More than 150’ property width 20’ buffer A minimum 5’ buffer along all sides of the interior parking area.
Foundation Plantings One story buildings require a 5’ minimum width foundation planting Foundation plantings shall have a combined length of no less than 40% of the length of each side of the building One (1 ) tree or palm cluster per 30 linear feet
Irrigation All areas except existing native plant communities are to be fully irrigated. Backflow prevention devices and rain sensors are required. Irrigation system is to be maintained to eliminate wasteful use of water and to reduce overspray onto impervious areas.
Curbing All landscape areas subject to vehicular traffic shall be separated by 6” FDOT TYPE D or F concrete curbing.
Village Review Process Submit landscape plans for community development review and approval. Plans to include all landscaping, existing and new, irrigation source, plant specifications, structures, and parking layout.
Compliance Failure to install, maintain, or preserve landscaping or native vegetation required in accordance with the terms of this article shall constitute a violation to this article. Code Compliance procedures would then apply after May 31 st, 2014.
Village of NPB Grant Program Parcel owners can apply for matching funds up to 7,500 dollars Grant funding can be used to help with NBOZ requirements. Grant funds can not be used once a parcel becomes non-compliant with the NBOZ requirements.
Information The entire NBOZ article can be found on the Village’s Website at: Appendix C – Zoning Article III District Regulations Section