Public Workshop March 20,
EAR-based Comprehensive Plan update adopted April 5, 2011 Working with Revised Code since 2006 – clarifications and updates needed Legislative changes 2
Board workshops to discuss working drafts Workshops with community organizations or citizens as requested ◦ Met with Builders Association representatives and attend monthly meetings ◦ Grow Gainesville, Rural Concerns, Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Request to advertise Two Public Hearings 3
August 9, 2011 October 11, 2011 January 10, 2012 February 28, 2012 March 6, 2012 March 20,
Reviewed Chapters ◦ Chapter 400 – General Provisions ◦ Chapter 401 – Development Review Bodies ◦ Chapter 402 – Development Application Review Procedures ◦ Chapter 403 – Zoning Districts ◦ Chapter 404 – Use Regulations 5
Chapter 405- Special Districts and Activity Centers Chapter 406 – Natural and Historic Resources Chapter 408 – Nonconformities Chapter 409 – Violations, Penalties, and Enforcement Chapter 410 – Definitions 6
Article 1 Setbacks, Height and Other Standards ◦ Section Principal Building on Lot – Clarified language Section Permitted Building Area ◦ The principal building or buildings on any lot or parcel… 7
Article 1 Setbacks, Height and Other Standards ◦ Section Allowable Projections Allowance for canopies, marquees, awnings or for zero-lot-line developments to extend over sidewalks, county rights-of-way, or other property. Section (b) Changed projection of ingress/egress steps or ramps from three feet to four feet to meet ADA requirements. 8
Article 2 Parking, Loading and Stacking ◦ Section (d) - Added ADA language ◦ Section (e) – Added language to not require wheel stops for temporary grass parking except where necessary to protect natural resources ◦ Section (b) Parking Schedule Added language requiring any parking spaces in excess of the required number must be pervious or semi-pervious.
Article 3 – Signs - article reformatted ◦ Deleted sections and Mixed Use and TND/TOD Sign standards (now in Non-residential) Section Signs Allowed for Nonresidential Development ◦ (a)2. Changed allowance for freestanding signs in Activity Centers and mixed use planned developments from one sign per 400 feet of frontage to one sign per driveway connection ◦ (a)3. Reduced the separation requirement between signs from 300 feet to 250 feet.
Article 4 Landscaping ◦ Reorganized for clarity ◦ Section (c)5. deleted “shrubs at variety of heights ◦ Section (c) Landscaping in Paved Ground Surface Areas : Section (c) 3. Old - one tree per 10 spaces Deleted new language of a minimum of 40 square feet of landscaped area per parking space – just meet 50% canopy requirement 11
21’ wide island 20” trunk diameter 46’ wide crown 9’ wide island 9” trunk diameter 26’ wide crown 12
7.5’ wide island 14” trunk diameter 34’ wide crown Island backs up to open area 18” trunk diameter 50’ wide crown 13
13.5’ wide island 13” trunk diameter 34’ wide crown 4’ wide island 6” trunk diameter 14’ wide crown 14
15 5’ wide island 5” trunk diameter 12’ wide crown
6’ wide island4’ wide island
St. Johns County ◦ 15’ wide ◦ required for every 100’ of unbroken pavement Hillsborough County ◦ 17’ wide if island is not abutting perimeter green space ◦ 6’ wide if island is abutting perimeter green space ◦ required for every 10 spaces in a row Indian River County ◦ 12’ wide ◦ 144sf and minimum ◦ 12% of parking must be green space Lake County ◦ 12’ wide minimum ◦ 300 sf minimum space Leon County ◦ 12’ wide ◦ 400sf green space per 5,000sf VUA
Section Required Irrigation Changed irrigation requirements to only apply to required landscaping and only require a temporary irrigation system. Require irrigation plans to be submitted with the landscaping plans if the irrigation is going to be permanent. Require use of reclaimed water where available and encourage rainwater or stormwater reuse for irrigation Require trees to have individual low flow or micro- irrigation supplies and for the irrigation to be discontinued once the trees or other plant materials are established 18
Table Appropriate Tree Plantings ◦ Reduced all the 20 foot minimum tree planting areas to 12 feet 19
Article 5 Open Space Section (c) TNDs, TODs, and Mixed-Use Developments ◦ Deleted Quality Mixed-Use Developments ◦ Combined regulations for open space for TNDs, TODs and Mixed Use Developments into one place. 20
Section Designation of Open Space ◦ Added the word “primary” to modify open space that shall be connected with other open space when protection of the resources can be maintained ◦ Section (b)1 Deleted the word contiguous and replaced it with connected 21
Article 6 Performance Standards – no changes ◦ Fumes, glare, noise, Industrial standards Article 7 TND and TOD ◦ Major change in this article was to move language from Section Open Space, Civic Space and Landscaping to Article 4 Landscaping and Article 5 Open Space to consolidate regulations for all developments. 22
Section (f)1 Clarified language concerning parent tracts that are divided once without having to comply with the subdivision regulations. Section (b)1.a.vii. Added common renewable energy systems to the list of permitted uses in open space areas for Rural/Agriculture Clustered Subdivisions. Section Plat Document Requirements ◦ added amount of the required surety and acceptable documentation Section (c)2. a. Clarified language for which documents are required to be submitted when an applicant is requesting the County to take over the maintenance of a facility 23
Article 9 Stormwater Management ◦ No major changes – just clarifications Article 10 Building Design ◦ No changes 24
Article 11 Potable Water, Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Service Section ◦ DRC may authorize an exception for connection to centralized water and sewer for certain non-residential uses and for new residential uses designated Estate Residential on the Future Land Use Map. ◦ This clarification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Section (d) Granting of Exceptions ◦ Deleted requirement to install dry lines ◦ Added requirements use low-flow plumbing fixtures and use the St. John’s River Water Management District’s Water Star standards. 25
Article 11 Potable Water, Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Service Section Reclaimed Water Supply ◦ Added requirement that all new developments within GRU’s reclaimed water service area shall provide reclaimed water to areas to be irrigated within the development ◦ Purpose is to encourage water conservation and require the use of the lowest acceptable quality source of water for landscape irrigation (reclaimed water). 26
Article 12 Concurrency Standards Section (d) 5 ◦ Added list of types of residential development that are exempt from concurrency requirements for public school facilities. 27
Article 13 Access Management Section Required Information ◦ Clarified information required for all driveway connection permits Section Other Access Management Considerations ◦ Added requirement that all left-turn storage lanes, at a minimum must include the addition of paved shoulders and a full-width asphalt overlay 28
Article 13 Access Management Section (e) Minimum Design and Construction Standards for Streets and Drainage Systems ◦ added more roadway classifications to provide more variability in required pavement thickness. Section (g) Drainage Systems ◦ 6. Roadside Swales Added new requirements for open drainage systems (roadside swales) Section (i) Intersection Design ◦ 4. Roundabouts and 5. Signal Added language for roundabouts and when a signal is proposed to provide standards for current practice 29
New Article 14 Lighting Standards Added section on athletic field lighting that would now apply to any athletic field not just fields associated with educational facilities 30
For questions, comments or suggestions: Alachua County Department of Growth Management (352) 31