MilkTech International © MilkTech International Web-assisted training in milk harvesting An educational initiative by: University of Wisconsin - Madison (USA) Milking Research and Instruction lab, and the Babcock Institute for International Research in Dairying University of Melbourne – (Australia) National Milk Harvesting Center Milking and Pumping Trade Association (New Zealand) The UK Dairy Group (UK)
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 2 What is MilkTech- International? MilkTech-International is a not-for-profit organization to provide training resources to people involved in milk harvesting. It arose out of an internationally recognized need for quality training in milk harvesting for participants with a wide range of backgrounds. Its current members are from the United States, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 3 How will it work? Development of a common set of ‘core’ educational materials assembled from resources around the world. The core materials will be converted into electronic training modules that are suitable for use in web-assisted training. The core materials will be developed so that they can be customized by an international network of training centers to meet specific local needs Easily translated into the local language/dialect Easily substituted pictures illustrating common practice in each locality
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 4 How will it work? The materials can be assembled into curricula for different levels of training Beginners: introductory material and general concepts Intermediate: farm advisor level Advanced technical: installation, maintenance and service Advanced R&D: Updates on research literature
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 5 How will it work? Potential students include Milking machine dealers and their technical staff OEM office and R&D staff Chemical Products sales staff Dairy plant field staff Veterinarians University and other tertiary and technical education students
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 6 Advantages to this approach Transferable, internationally recognized content and certification Content developed and reviewed by internationally recognized experts (OEM staff invited to participate). Uniform access to most recent research-based information Certifications transferable across countries and occupations Coherent structure allowing students to proceed in an orderly, efficient manner Long-term commitment to maintain and improve the program from the UW milking Lab and other participants.
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 7 Advantages to this approach Latest instruction media technology Instructional media designed to accommodate learning styles of student groups Medium desirable to new (younger) technicians. Combines web-assisted learning with mandatory face-to-face, hands on learning at a training center Improves efficiency and effectiveness of face-to-face training by assuring uniform skills in student groups Students progress at their own pace Can review web materials as often as necessary to pass certification and pre-qualification for classroom sessions
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 8 Advantages to this approach Lower cost to students Web-assisted learning done 'at home' combined with on-the job training with a mentor Substantially reduced travel cost and out-of-office time Lower cost to OEM's This program provides a platform for core, generic skills and knowledge that OEMS can use to support their dealer training Reduces time and cost for materials development and instructor time for generic, core base OEM can makes better use of resources by concentrating on equipment-specific sales, installation and service training
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 9 What topics will be covered? Our intention is to cover topics of generic interest to the industry. These will not replace the need for company training programs. The list to the right is our draft of modules for development The input of OEMs and other interested parties in module development is invited. Introduction to milk harvesting Regulations, standards and guidelines Milking machine testing Milking-time observations and measurements Introduction to milk cooling Introduction to milk quality management Cleaning systems Principles of milking machine installation and service Introduction to farm wiring and stray voltage Introduction to milking parlor design and management Milking other mammals
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 10 What will it look like? We have drafted some samples to give you an idea of what the web-assisted training sessions will look like. You can return to the main page to view: From Module 1: Introduction to Milk Harvesting Designed as an introduction for people with no prior knowledge of milking machines oMilking machine components oVacuum Production and control From Module 2: Regulations, Standards and Guidelines. To familiarize intermediate and advanced student with the important aspects of ISO and other standards. oReview of ISO milking machine performance standards From Module 5: Milking-time Tests For intermediate students advising farmers on milking performance issues oAssessing Completeness of Milking
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 11 Who are the training centers? At present the training centers include The University of Wisconsin, Milking Research and Instruction Lab The National Milk Harvesting Centre at Ellinbank, Victoria, Australia The milking machine technicians training program in New Zealand Additional training centers could include Educational organizations in other countries Milking Machine Manufacturer’s or other dairy industry training centers (e.g. milk cooperatives)
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 12 What is the role of the training centers? Customize materials for their audience and local situation. Translations if needed Voice recordings (read from a script) in the local accent Customize pictures (digital photos) to illustrate common practice in each locality Enroll and track progress of their students. Conduct classroom sessions when students have finished Web modules and qualified for specific lab exercises and certification Provide independent certification of students if desired (e.g. national certification or company certification)
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 13 How can you use MilkTech? There are several options to incorporate MilkTech into you training programs including: Accept MilkTech certification as part of your staff training and/or certification program All generic training done by MilkTech Establish a MilkTech training center in your organization Use MilkTech curricula in these programs The options – even within a single organization - may be different in different locations or countries Using MilkTech will allow members to focus their training resources on topics that are of highest priority to their staff Dealer training on product specific sales, installation and service Specific procedures for milk plant field staff investigation and reporting
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 14 What will it cost? The development of the initial set of core materials needs a moderate budget to support the time of technical advisors and student illustrators. We have a seed grant of $12,000 from the UW Babcock Institute for International Research in Dairying that has allowed us to produce the sample modules. Industry funds are very helpful in leveraging other public funds that we are actively seeking.
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 15 What will it cost? Web-based Instruction will be covered by tuition from students. Face-to-Face Classroom instruction and certification will be covered by student tuition to training centers. Administrative costs and ongoing costs for review, update, and editing materials will be recovered from student tuition.
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 16 What will it cost? We estimate that the cost to a student/employer for web-assisted MilkTech compared to traditional methods would be reduced by about a factor of 3 in Days away from work Tuition Room and board Travel costs There would be a similar savings in the time invested by training centers in developing training materials
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 17 How can you become part of MilkTech International? Provide financial support to help develop the first draft of the core materials and initiate the program Use all or part of the program in your staff training programs Participate in ongoing development, use and promotion of the program
© MilkTech International 11-Aug-05 Intro 18 MilkTech International Contacts for more details In the USA or countries not listed Doug Reinemann, UW Milking Research and Instruction Lab (608) We are launching in English speaking countries but hope to expand translations to foreign languages as need and resources become available. In Australia Rob Greenall, University of Melbourne, NMHC (03) Paul Hemming (03) Graeme Mein, Scientific Advisor (03) In New Zealand Ian Gunn (64) In the UK Ian Ohnstad (44)