New Staff Orientation: Industry Relations Emory School of Medicine Zainab R. Wurie, JD July 15, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

New Staff Orientation: Industry Relations Emory School of Medicine Zainab R. Wurie, JD July 15, 2014

Who We Are Office of Industry Relations Helen C. McLaughlin, MBA Director of the Office of Industry Relations Assistant Dean for Administration Office: Zainab R. Wurie, JD Associate Director, Contracts Office: What We Do Maintain Policies Assist faculty and staff in dealing with Industry and avoiding conflicts of interest

?? Why We Do It ?? To eliminate and/or minimize perception that industry unduly influences professional judgments in research, teaching, or patient care.  Comprehensive – “Compendium” of policies:

What is Meant by “Industry”?  Characteristic examples in the School of Medicine:  Biotechnology Companies  Device Manufacturers  For-Profit Educational Companies  Investment Companies  Medical Equipment Manufacturers  Medical Supplies Companies  Pharmaceutical Companies  Software Companies  Sponsored Foundations

Permitted Activities & Confidentiality Agreements  Permitted Activities Include:  Advisory Board Services  Certain Consulting Services  Certain Educational Presentations  Be aware that you must abide by the terms of confidentiality agreements.

Prohibited Activities  Speaker’s Bureaus  Promotional Activities  Putting name on a ghost-written article  Advising investment firms on research or clinical area  Activities that use Emory resources (facilities, patient data, employees, etc.)

Industry Access to Emory Facilities  Industry representatives are not permitted in public or patient care areas.  Visits from sales reps must be by appointment only.  No sales or marketing reps may attend educational or training activities in Emory buildings.  No commercial exhibits are permitted in Emory buildings.

Individual Gifts that Cannot be Accepted from Industry  Cannot accept any personal gifts regardless of value, including travel, tickets, meals, pens, pads.  Cannot accept any drug samples.  Cannot accept food or drink for School events, either on- or off-campus.  Cannot accept books or journal subscriptions  Cannot provide Faculty or Resident Travel to National professional society meetings.

Gifts to SOM from Industry  Cannot be accepted for:  Specific events or activities  Meetings or training programs  Research for a specific individual  Named activity – “The Merck Fellowship”

The Gift Game  Can you accept tote bags from a device company at a national meeting?  Can you accept pharmaceutical samples for indigent patients?  Can our residents accept textbooks from drug companies?  Can companies provide food for departmental grand rounds or conferences?  May a drug company pay for a staff member to attend a scientific meeting?