Gavin A Kelly Technical & Operations Manager 26 May 2015 Professionalism in the Road Freight Industry
Outline of presentation The RFA in 2015 Perceptions of the RFA Role DoT wants the RFA to play Role of “RFA’s” in other countries (RHA / ATA as examples) Proposed future role of RFA Member input into future role
The RFA in 2015 Represents road freight operators Membership is voluntary Core focus is on issues affecting operators Funded by membership & fund raising activities
Member’s view of RFA source of assistance (prosecution) & legislative enquiries legal defence source of data to support operations labour support voice to protect their interests
Public view of RFA relatively unknown entity government agency? confused with the RAF no idea of the role of RFA
Freight industry view of RFA Provider / broker of loads / contracts Expensive (membership fee, events) Question value / benefits Perception that big operators run RFA for their sole objectives Plays Ombudsman role
Freight industry view of RFA Code of conduct restrictive on business models / conduct Exclusive social club of large operators Interests protected even if not a Member Exclusive social club of large operators
Government view of RFA strong opponent / prepared to challenge legislation through courts research organisation / source for economic impact data protector of member’s interests to the detriment of government policy source of meaningful input on transport & traffic legislation elitist and exclusive
Government view of RFA source of meaningful input on transport & traffic legislation source of operational expertise credible stakeholder in policy creation (seek endorsement) status confusion – agency? confusion of role – eg trainers of drivers, examiners of vehicles
Role DoT wants RFA to play Sort out badly skilled drivers Sort out non-roadworthy vehicles Cease abuse of drivers (employment practices) Cease usage of foreign drivers Expand trucking into SMME market Stop “carnages” (road safety)
Role DoT wants RFA to play Stop overloading Support multi-modal transport
Role of “RFAs” in other countries Control entry into freight Gateway to finance Monitor maintenance Require minimum training standards Monitor and (in some cases) operate overload control centres Monitor driving hours & provision of facilities for madatory truck stops
Role of “RFAs” in other countries Driver health & wellness programme Licence & violation monitoring Crash investigations Oversize load movement control Provide link between operators and consignors Road condition & weather information
Proposed future role of RFA “Truck Safe” programme specific to industry & presented to public Licensing of freight operators & auditing of minimum standards Accreditation & auditing of driver training centres Accreditation & auditing of driver testing centres
Proposed future role of RFA Accreditation & auditing of vehicle testing centres Ongoing defensive driver training and assessment Specialist training provision (eg DGoods, Abnormal, Bulk ore) Driver incident monitoring system Provision of extended freight services (eg escorting / recovery)
Proposed future role of RFA Revoking of operator licence due to non-compliance with industry minimum standards Official sanction & support Funding model / support
Member input into future role What do Members think the role of the RFA should be? What role should the RFA NOT take on?