Illinois Network for Advanced Manufacturing TAACCCT Round 2 Awardee Overview of Grant Evaluation
Fall 2013 INAM Conference Department of Labor’s Priorities and Objectives: (1) Increase attainment of certifications, certificates, diplomas, and other industry- recognized credentials to better prepare Veterans, TAA-eligible workers and other adults for high-wage, high-skill employment or re-employment in growth industry sectors; (2) Introduce innovative and effective methods for curriculum development and delivery that address specific industry needs and lead to improved learning outcomes and retention rates for Veterans, TAA-eligible workers and other adults; and (3) Demonstrate improved employment outcomes as a result of the funded program. Over $175 million of the $500 million awarded went to Advanced Manufacturing −
Fall 2013 INAM Conference TAACCCT Round 2: Purpose of TAACCCT Round 2 grants: to provide funding to community colleges to scale up and improve short-term (< 2 years) educational and career-training programs to prepare students for employment in high-skilled, high-wage jobs. Target Population: The grant focuses on veterans, TAA-eligible, incumbent workers, dislocated workers, and all wanting to work in the Mfg field. Goal of the TAACCCT Round 2 awardees: To enable the higher education community to develop, institute and improve education and training programming which will assist the target population in acquiring the skills, credentials and degrees to meet the high-skilled and high-wage employment needs mandated by employers.
Fall 2013 INAM Conference Elements to be included in Round 2 grants: Innovative and new strategies to support and enhance student learning Support of portable national industry-recognized credentials tied to curriculum Plan to perform competency-based assessments and award credit for prior learn and experiences (PLA)
Fall 2013 INAM Conference Elements to be included in Round 2 grants (con’t): Incorporation of innovative and sophisticated applications of technology, including online, hybrid and/or technology-enabled strategies into program design and delivery Strong employer, state and industry association engagement to identifying skills and competencies plus assistance with curriculum development and program design Transferability of credit and articulation with other 2 and 4 year higher education institutions.
Fall 2013 INAM Conference DOL funded Round 2 awardees providing evidence of: (1) Design strategies [found in the INAM grant] that are likely to produce significant positive change in learning and employment outcomes; (2) Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies [found in the INAM grant] in order to improve their programming; (3) Identify and integrate promising and proven strategies [found in the INAM grant] into their education and training programs; and (4) Strategies to share these innovations and discoveries with other higher education institutions in order to scale what was learned.
Fall 2013 INAM Conference INAM Grant Evaluation: Prescribed by DOL Solicitation for Grant Application (SGA) Further detail found in TAACCCT Round 2 Annual Performance Report (APR) Included in the INAM grant proposal
Fall 2013 INAM Conference INAM Grant Evaluation Process: Implementation Study (Qualitative) a) gathers information to facilitate replication of the INAM program design and strategies b) gathers information and data provide for continuing program improvement over course of the grant Impact Study (Quantitiave) a) gathers data of the program's impact on student education and employment outcomes b) provides data on the 9 DOL outcomes deliverables and additional measures to foster a more complex picture of the grant benefits
Fall 2013 INAM Conference Assembly Presentation
Fall 2013 INAM Conference Assembly Presentation: INAM Goal Statement: is to expand and improve the delivery of education and career training programs leading to industry-recognized certificates or associate degrees that can be completed in two years or less and prepare Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)-eligible and other workers for employment in high-wage, high-skill advanced manufacturing occupations.
Fall 2013 INAM Conference 5 Core elements for TAACCCT Projects 1. Use of evidence in program design 2. Stackable and latticed credentials 3. Online and technology-enabled learning 4. Transferability and articulation 5. Strategic Alignment
Fall 2013 INAM Conference Use of the 4 Models for the INAM TAACCCT Projects 1. Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model 2. Earn and Learn Model in the INAM grant 3. Flowchart for operationalizing the INAM grant 4. Logic Model for the INAM grant
Fall 2013 INAM Conference INAM Grant Priorities and Strategies 1. Progress on the Strategies for year 1 and year 2 with CQI general dates for improvement of the processes within the INAM grant 2. Work on strategies started and completed with outcomes 3. Work on strategies to begin in year 2 with outcomes