How does the policy development process work? Roque Gagliano LACNIC
LACNIC - Policy Development Process. Indicates how LACNIC creates and modify its policies for resource allocation and assignment. LACNICs PDP is a bottom-up process. Discussions happens at the Open Policy mailing list: and at the Open Policy Forum. The PDP is overlooked by the Chair of the Open Policy Forum, chosen every two years. Current Chair: Francisco Arias. More information available at:
LACNIC - Policy Development Process A new PDP ratified by PDP Process and will be implemented on September 1st. Main changes: A co-chair is introduced. An expedite process is introduced.
Normal LACIC PDP (from Sept. 1st).
Expedite LACIC PDP (from Sept. 1st).
How to participate? 1) Join our Public Policy Mailing List: at: 2) Come to the LACNIC Public Policy Forum or LACNIC Regional Meetings.
Policy Proposal Template:
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