Who We Are CTAS has specialized in transportation debt collections and managed receivables for over 25 years. Offering credit collection services to trucking companies, air freight, international shipping services, ocean carriers and maritime companies worldwide. Our goal is to increase the overall recovery rate on all account balances while remaining sensitive to our individual clients needs. Transportation Debt Collection Specialists
What We Do We provide intensive debt collection programs suited to our clients needs. Our office staff is comprised of highly trained transportation professionals with years of experience from within the transportation sector. CTAS delivers successful 3 rd party debt collection and first party managed receivables collection services to a wide variety of transportation and logistics providers through out the United States as well as a broad. Transportation Debt Collection Specialists
Receivable Mgmt. BPO Services 1 st Party Collections Dispute Resolutions Near Shore Call Centers CRM Programs A/R Consulting Mailing Services Auditing Debt Collections 3 rd Party Collections Early Out Programs Small Balance Solutions Letter Writing Free Demand Products Credit Reporting Client Training Investigative Searches Services Transportation Debt Collection Specialists
Air Cargo Terminal Operators Terminal Operators Freight Forwarders Freight Forwarders Ocean Carriers Freight Carriers Freight Carriers NVOCC Logistics Companies Logistics Companies Clients We Service Transportation Debt Collection Specialists
Results Innovation Expertise Service Industry specific Knowledge Transportation Debt Collection Specialists
Recovery Investigative Unit Senior Collector Client Support Collector Collection Mgr. Transportation Debt Collection Specialists
Settlement/Disputes Payment Personal Contact Initial Activity Attorney ServicePlacement Title CLAIM ACTIVITY PROCESS PLACE A CLAIM 25 YEARS OF TRANSPORTATION DEBT COLLECTION SERVICE
ACA NJACA C CLLA Commercial Law League New Jersey Collection Assn. AFFILIATIONS
/ CTAS is eager to help you. Call us today We appreciate all inquires