Unit One Terms Day 2 Treaty of Tordesillas- divided the world in 2 half. To the west Spain would have sovereignty, and to the east it was Portugal. “3G” God, Glory, Gold” -Main reasons for Spanish exploration and Colonization. Columbian exchange- The exchange of plants, animals, foods, human populations (including slaves), communicable diseases, and ideas between the Eastern and Western hemispheres that occurred after In that year, Christopher Columbus' first voyage
Day 2 Christopher Columbus Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China ( ). Lead to Columbian Exchange de Balboa- First European to claim The Pacific coast of the New World (Spain) John Cabot- Italian explorer who led the English expedition in 1497 that di scovered the mainland of North Americaand explored the coa st from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland (ca ) Henry Hudson- English navigator who discovered the Hudson River; in 1610 he attempted to winter in Hudson Baybut his crew mutinied and se t him adrift to die ( )
Day 3 Juan Ponce de Leon Spanish explorer who accompanied Columbus on his second trip in 1 493; in 1513 he discovered Florida while searching for the legendary Fountain of Youth ( ) Hernando de Soto Spanish explorer who landed in Florida in 1539 with 600 men and set out to search for the fabled riches of the north. For the next three ye ars heexplored much of southern North America, discovering and cro ssing the Mississippi River in 1541.
Day 3 Sir Walter Raleigh One of the first English explorers to attempt to make an English Settlement in the new world. tried 2x and named Virginia after Queen Elizabeth I John White Roanoke's colony leader who returned to England for more food and tools--when he finally returned to Roanoke in the colony had vanished--the only clue he found of Roanoke or the "Lost colony" was the native american tribes name "CROATAN"; grandchild Virginia Dare = 1st English child born in America
Day 4 mercantilism Reason for British colonization: favorable balance of trade based on amount of gold; need colonies for resources/markets; Dutch = current leader joint stock companies Reason for British colonization: investors buy stock in colonies; purpose = make money proprietary colonies Reason for British colonization: gift from monarch (to pay back) to GB citizens; purpose = to pay off debt
Day 4 indentured servant poor person who went with a rich person to America with the understanding they would gain freedom for their work. (typically 7 years) headright system Man receives 50 acres per indentured servant he bring. Purpose was to increase the population of the colonies. Northwest Passage A route through North America to Asia. Many searched for it but does not exsist.