Preserving a host of archaeological collections. Encompassing a wide range of collections from worldwide civilization.
Mastering and leading the professionalism in the area of museum articles’ management. Conducting relevant scientific researches and studies. Possessing the necessary technological devices and expertise in fields of maintenance, restoration and preservation.
The Training session’s gained objectives: Help us in both building and development of the capacities of curators in the earliest stages of their career in museum work.
Establishes continuous communication and co- operation between the British Museum and the curators from other museums who participate in the programme. 1/Daily show up in the museum site helps in gaining more skills of article’s display models. 2/ Learning museum article’s new conservation methodologies and techniques. Acquiring information and knowledge through the following : Knowledge and observation of collections and other available articles in the stock room and in laboratories for restoration, maintenance and study as far as the interests and concerns of each participants.
The Personal Gained Through my daily observation of the activities of the British museum, I have come to acquire some thoughts of how to present the attract them and communicate with them for example: adoption and practicing of a variety of activities at various levels of participation from all members of the society from the different organizations, individuals and firms.
I have also aquatinted myself with the recent innovations and equipment used in maintenance and restorations of archeological articles and the experts needed to conduct these works, and the materials used in different laboratories. Besides, the handling and transporting the museum collections from one place to another and the materials used during transportation.
Disciplines of educational programme practiced in the British Museum with the aim of making pupils’ and students visits to the museum more attractive.
At the Professional Level The label numbering system. The museum marketing system.
The common heritage between Sudan & UK Construction of a new Republican Palace, and converting the existing one into a museum.
I have issued and published press articles on the role of the British museum in aquatinting the public with the Sudanese heritage and the active participation of the archaeological activities within and outside Sudan which contribute effectively in showing, explaining and promoting for the gradual universal development of Sudanese civilization.
Communication with the Programme Participants This has been achieved through the inception of a cultural and social society for that curators participating in the programme. This society adopts joint programmes and activities to ensure and facilitate the contact between participants. A web-site has been established and developed for the participants of the training session, and will be provided and issued in extra languages.
Developing the BM’s Training Programme Since the concerns,nature of work and duties of each participant are differing, it is crucial to provide every one of them with special training doses that suit the nature of their work and specialization. Organizing a joint exhibition for all participants, in order to train them on the basics of organizing, preparing and erecting exhibitions. This is a good opportunity for acquainting the London societies with some of the cultures and heritages of the participants. Such exhibitors can be held in one of the schools in London or any elsewhere.