National report Republic of Serbia presented by Tatjana Labus Regional Workshop 2: Improving Capacity for Diagnosis of Fish and Molluscan Diseases Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 2013, Hotel Palas
Water resources of Serbia Dunav (Danube) SavaTisa Morava (Velika, Zapadna, Južna) DrinaKolubaraTimok Channel system DTD
Aquaculture in Serbia Production in Serbia, tonnes Estimated catch in rivers and lakes – near 6000 t
Aquaculture in Serbia Production of fish and fish fry for human consumption in ponds number of workers in the pondsNoNo
Aquaculture in Serbia Carp ponds measure unit Area in useha Production of fry-totalt Production of fish for human consumptiont CatchedT thereof: Шаран/carp - /totalT Catchedt Сом/catfish - totalt Catchedt толстолобик /silver carp- totalT CatchedT амур бели/grass carp totalT Catchedt
Aquaculture in Serbia trout ponds Measure unit Area in usem Production of fry - totalt Production of fish for human consumption - totalt Catchedt thereof: калифорнијска пастрмка/rainbow trout - total t catched t
Aquaculture in Serbia Улов рибе у рекама, језерима и каналима/ Catch fish in the rivers, lakes and canals Мeasure unit number of fish guardNoNo fisherman – totalNoNo thereof: full time workNoNo number of issued licence for sport and recreative fishing NoNo
Movement/transfers Between epizootic regions in Serbia – health certificates; veterinary certificates for import/export Importation of eggs/fry/live fish Import licence + quarantin in Serbia Veterinary certificates with consigments From registered ponds
Aquatic animal diseases National pathogen list Fish diseases 1) Epizootska hematopoetska nekroza - Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis (EHN) 2) Zarazna hematopoetska nekroza - Infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) 3) Oncorhynchus masou virusna bolest-Oncorhynchus masou virus disease 4) Prolećna viremija šarana - Spring viraemia of carp (SVC) 5) Virusna hemoragijska septikemija pastrmki - Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) Red- OIE list Red and bold- EU list
Aquatic animal diseases National pathogen list Other significant diseases of fish 1) Virusna encefalopatija i retinopatija - Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy 2) Virusna bolest lososa - Viral salmon disease 3) Zarazna anemija lososa - Invectious salmon anaemia (ISA) 4) Zarazna nekroza gušterače - Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) 5) Girodaktiloza - Gyrodactylosis (Infection with Gyrodactylus salaris) 6) Edvardsieloza - Edwardsiella ictaluri 7) Iridoviroza kečige - Red sea bream iridoviral disease Red- OIE list Red and/or bold- EU list
Aquatic animal diseases Not on national list but are on OIE list - Koi herpesvirus disease, - Epizootic ulcerative syndrome Not on national list but are on EU list - Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) (Renibacterium salmonidarum) - Furunculosis (Aeromonas salmonicida) - Enteric redmouth disease (ERM) (Yersinia ruckeri)
Diseases recorded in the country Viral diseases Zarazna nekroza gušterače - Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) Bacterial diseases Furunculosis, Yersiniosis, BKD, MAS, Columnaris… Parasitic diseases Ichtiophtiriosis, Bothriocephalosis...
Fungal diseases Saprolegnia Other health problems RMS (red mark sindrom)
Diagnostic capacity in the country Aquatic animal diseases laboratory within country National reference laboratory for fish diseases- NIVS Description (diagnostic, research, education) YES -diagnostic, research and education Scope and species interest Cyprinids Salmonids
Level of diagnostic Level of diagnostic: Level 1: Gross observation, general necropsy (external, internal) Level II: Bacteriology, Parasitology, Mycology, Histology Level III: Cell lines – EPC, BF2, CCB, RTG-2, FHM Immunological tests – SN, ELISA, FAT Molecular techniques – PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR, LAMP, sequencing
Analysis of diagnostic capacity List of diseases and diagnostic methods used (samples VHS, furunculosis) VHS, IHN, SVC, KHV, IPN, EHN – clinical observation, detection of gross changes, histological observation, isolation of virus on cell culture, identification by ELISA, IFAT, RT-PCR, qRT-PCR, gene sequencing Furunculosis, BKD, – Isolation of bacteria on bacteriological media, identification of genus by selective media and general properties, identification of the species by API or any other kit for biochemical identification, serological identification, PCR, sequencing etc...
Surveillance of nationally listed diseases Diagnostic methods IPN: Virus isolation – cell culture, ELISA, RT-PCR, qPCR, sequencing VHS: Virus isolation – cell culture, ELISA, RT-PCR, qPCR, sequencing IHN: Virus isolation – cell culture, ELISA, RT-PCR, qPCR, sequencing SVCV: Virus isolation – cell culture, ELISA, RT-PCR, qPCR, sequencing KHV: Virus isolation – cell culture, PCR, qPCR, sequencing BKD: Isolation, FAT, PCR, sequencing Sampling Active surveillance (restricted trade according to control status of the farm, trout 2x year clinical + sampling, carp 2x year clinical + sampling) Results IPN positive
Surveillance and monitoring of other pathogens Targeted pathogens and aquaculture species (IHN, VHS, KHV + other (national relevance, OIE/EU listed diseases: IPN, SVC, BKD)
Conclusions and perspectives Diagnostics are harmonized with EU legislation (good education of laboratory people, good testing methods,lab and methods are acredited) We do not have diseases from the OIE list
Future needs Legislation Categorisation according 2006/88 More education of all people in the chain More money for education, diagnostics...