Organizational Genetics This material is based upon work supported by the NSF (Grant #: VOSS and VOSS ) and CIGREF. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Zhewei Zhang
Beyond Routines What can we do with this approach beyond analysis of routines?
DNA Sequence of Digital Artifact
Coding the data Possible ValuesAmazon eCommerceOpenLayersMashup A Owner Type Sin (single API owner), Mlt (multiple APIs owner) MltSin OpennessOpn (open), Cls (closed)ClsOpnCls Service Context New (news), Shp (shopping), Med (media),Son (social network), Map (mapping), S (advertising),Sec (search), Utl (utility), Com (communication) ShpMapMapShp Service Function Rtr (retrieve), Upl (upload), Upd (update), Rmv (remove) RtrUplUpdRmvRtrRtrUpl LicensingFre (free), Pad (paid)Fre Pad Subject TypeApi (web API), Msp (Mashup)Api Msp
Beyond Sequence Analysis After you have done sequence analysis, you can also do Phylogenetic Analysis
Phylogenetic Analysis 1
Phylogenetic Analysis 2
Questions to Answer Branching: when, where and how When does the new species/routine/digital artifact emerge? Where is the new emergence (particular clade) ? How does the new emergence look like (similar or dissimilar to existing ones)? And how much difference are there?
ANYTHING that can be broken down into stable elemental building blocks whose values vary across space and/or time.
Thank you!