Foot and Mouth Disease Aphthous fever FMD الحمى القلاعية Foot and Mouth Disease Aphthous fever FMD الحمى القلاعية Bibliotheca Alexandrina 18/3/2012
o Epizootic events US UK 1967 Taiwan 1997 UK 2001 China 2005 UK 2005 Japan and Korea 2010/2011 Bulgaria 2011
EGYPT 2006 o Epizootic events Losses up to head
o What is FMD? VIRAL
o Susceptibility
o Taxonomy أصله وفصله PicornaviridaePicorna virus Aphthous virus FMD VIRUS FMD VIRUS OAC SAT1SAT2SAT3 ASIA1
o Physico-chemical properties ? PH : stable at ! ! Resistant to : Chloroform Ether Bile salts Detergents ????
o Virus Structure General virus structure
o Virus Structure 1.Capsid الإطار الخارجى 2.Viral proteins : VP1 VP2 VP2 VP3 VP3 VP4 VP4 3. Nucleic Acid “RNA” ANTIGENICITY إحداث المرض
Genetic MaterialViral proteins
o Understanding infection
o Why Antigenic Variation??!! Evolution of New Subtype Millions of copies + narrow time + LACK OF CORRECTION = Evolution of New Subtype
Point mutation o Why Antigenic Variation??!!
Point mutation
o Prognosis o Morbidity: 100% o Mortality: up to 5% 50-70% in calves 50-70% in calves up to 100% in suckling calves up to 100% in suckling calves
o Mode of Transmission
Quantitative risk assessment of FMD virus transmission via water. National Institute of Health USA
o Clinical Signs الأعراض الإكلينيكية
o P.M Examination Calf heart if passed: MYOCARDIOPATHY
o How to control ? Isolation of suspected cases
o How to control ? Vaccination Matching and selection.. Emergency vaccination.. Protective Vaccination Vs Suppressive Vaccination..
o How to control ? Biosecurity procedures
o How to control ? Biosecurity procedures
o How to control ? Biosecurity procedures
o Public Health concern.. Zoonotic in very limited conditions ?? Milk.. If unboiled ! Occupational.. Vets !
o Public Health concern.. Zoonotic in very limited conditions ??
o Syndicate Axial Role
o References material/Diagnostic_sampling_procedures/Diagnostic_sa mpling_procedures.pdf weeds/animal/fmd n%20FMD%20_2_1%20_2_.pdf