Libya [Libyan Tagline Here] By, Logan Threlkeld Pd. 1
Demographics of Libya Population is about 6.6 million. Mainly Arab or Berber or a mix. Arabic is the mainly language with Italian and English sometimes spoken in major cities. 82% of the population is literate. Mostly Islamic.
Location Located in Africa surrounded by: Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Niger, Chad and the Mediterranean Sea.
Leaders Leader of Libya Moammar Gaddafi was the one who the revolution was being led against, was killed October 20, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, a major leader in of the Revolutionaries, used to be Gaddafi's justice minister.
Revolutionary demographics Most of the population of Libya. All range of ages. Including the young. Generally Muslim. Arabic in race. Male and Female.
Outside Involvement The UN imposed sanctions on Gaddafi's family. UN ordered a no fly zone over Libya and protection of civilians from Gaddafi's army. NATO missiles were fired at Gaddafi's home. UN recognizes the NTC as representatives of Libya. Obama asked for surrender of loyalist's to Gaddafi upon return of the U.S. ambassador to Tripoli.
Similarities to the American revolution It was similar in demographics as there was a wide range of ages in the revolution. As well as both revolutionaries being a mainly of similar religions. Like the colonists the Libyans got foreign assistance. Both rebelled against an oppressive government.
Differences from American Revolution The American Revolution had many different major leaders, such as George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. While in Libya there was one major named leader, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil. America was fighting for their independence from their oppressive government while Libya simply wanted to end it and create new one. Not separate from another country. The Libyan revolution happened over a much shorter period of time. The revolution in Libya also focused to target the mainly leader Gaddafi unlike the American which focused mainly on just winning the independence not who they killed.
Where the Country is Going Now that the revolution is over the Libyans will probably move towards making the government better for the people that was oppressed by Gaddafi with the help of outside nations as well. With Gaddafi being dead there is low chances of another revolution.
Bibliography Baz, Patrick. "Children of the Revolution: Libya - An FP Slide Show | Foreign Policy." Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of Economics, Politics, and Ideas. 19 Sept Web. 26 Oct "Eight-month Struggle: Timeline of Libyan Revolution." العربية. نت | الصفحة الرئيسية. 20 Oct Web. 26 Oct Hubbard, Ben. "Libya's Revolutionary Leader Calls for Civil State - Yahoo! News." Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines. 12 Sept Web. 26 Oct "Libya News - Revolution and Aftermath (2011)." Times Topics - The New York Times. 26 Oct Web. 26 Oct