Infectious Disease 8 th Grade Health Class Jim Brennan
Tell me I want to know! What is Infectious Disease? 0 Anything that can spread form organism to organism
How do they spread? 0 Caused by pathogens 0 Which are organism that can cause disease Microscope view of a pathogen
Human Pathogens Bacteria Virus Fungus
Bacteria 0 One celled organism 0 Produce toxins (poisons) 0 Diseases caused by bacteria 0 E-coli 0 Lyme’s Disease 0 Staph Infections
Pictures of Staph Clean your cuts or this can happen
Viruses 0 Much smaller than bacteria 0 Can only reproduce if inside a cell Mom I can’t go to school
Virus 0 Diseases caused by a virus 0 The Flu 0 Common Cold 0 Chicken Pox 0 Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Fungus 0 Molds, Yeasts 0 Common Fungal disease 0 Athletes Foot Keep your feet dry
Sources of Pathogens Person -> Person Contaminated Object Animal Bite Environment
Person to Person 0T0T hrough direct contact 0K0K issing, shaking hands, any sexual act 0T0T hrough Indirect contact 0S0S neezing, coughing
Preventing Person to Person Transmission 0 Wash Hands Frequently 0 Use Soap and water 0 Sneeze into your arm 0 Wear a condom Do this for 20+ Seconds
Contaminated Object 0 Any object that you can touch/ingest
Preventing Contaminated Object Transmission 0 Wear personal protective barriers 0 Gloves 0 Cook food thoroughly 0 Filter your water 0 Disinfect all surfaces daily
Animal Bite 0 Any bite from an animal can transmit a disease 0 Common Animal bite related diseases 0 Rabies- Dogs and Raccoons 0 Malaria- Mosquitoes 0 Lyme’s Disease- Deer Tick
Rabies 0 Passed from the biting animal through saliva 0 Bacteria is in the saliva 0 Causes brain Inflammation
Lyme’s Disease 0 Bacteria lives in wild rodents 0 Passed to humans by tick bites 0 Primarily passed by Deer Ticks 0 Hard to see with the naked eye 0 Lyme Symptoms Lyme Symptoms
Malaria 0 Is a disease carried by mosquitoes 0 Is only found in hot wet places 0 No risk of Malaria transmission to you
Malaria Map
Environment 0 Caused by alterations to the environment 0 Usually chemicals in soil or water 0 Can cause death or serious illness 0 Can be prevented 0 Keep chemicals away from water and soil