Minji Hong 9A
A lot of journalists started to produce articles on the situation in Darfur to raise awareness. Even actors and actresses such as Angelina Jolie and Goerge Clooney have participated to advocate on the situation. The International Criminal Court had issued warrants against the Janjaweed leader, Ali Kushayab for crimes against humanity in 2007.
There has been immunizations for children from certain diseases that could be caused by unsanitary conditions. There has also been treatments for people suffering from malnutrition. Since the genocide, a lot of humanitarian support has been provided in Darfur and refugee camps in Chad. Food, Water, Shelter and clean supply of hygiene has been provided.
Although the attention to the situation in Darfur began in 2003, the global media coverage only began when an United Nations Resident and the Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Mukesh Kapila, called the situation as the world’s greatest humanitarian crisis in March Some Media had claimed that it was a genocide and some say it was a civil war.
Even though Sudan’s population is 40% Arab, the media in the Arab Countries had very little coverage about Darfur. Also, the government of Sudan has hindered the coverage on Darfur with strict policy of access to Sudan. However, the media response in Sudan TV by the Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail has always been about how the government is trying hard to help the refugee people and how they disapprove of military actions that could disrupt the safety of the country.
Although Sudan is splitting into the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan, Darfur will still remain in the hands of the North Sudan, which will be governed by Al- Bashir, the president of Sudan, who was convicted of supporting the Janjaweeds. Therefore, the partition of the country is not necessarily going to resolve the conflict. However, I predict that many Darfuris are going to be determined to flee to the South to get away from the tyrant, Al-Bashir. This could cause conflicts between North and the South Sudan of territorial disputes. I still think that some organizations would continue to aid the Darfuris but won’t be enough to resolve it completely even in 10 years time, unless a wise, new president is elected.