1 OUT-IN: Organising, Using and Transferring INnovation LLP-LDV/TOI/07/IT/017 SHARING ISOL ACTION MODEL Focus Group Manchester, 14 th – 16 th February.


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Presentation transcript:

1 OUT-IN: Organising, Using and Transferring INnovation LLP-LDV/TOI/07/IT/017 SHARING ISOL ACTION MODEL Focus Group Manchester, 14 th – 16 th February 2008 Venue: Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA)

2 Focus Group (WP1) - Aims Introducing ISOL ACTION (1) Model Session A Session B Preparing the Preliminary Field Analysis to adapt the prototype (1) Improving and Sharing Opportunities for Learning

3 Session A Introducing ISOL ACTION Model

4 Isol Action - Rationale Key concept 1 - Peripheral areas Islands and territorial contexts geographically isolated and peripheral to information and decision-making centres The partnership: IT - ITCG Jacopo del Duca di Cefalù (Sicily) IT - MCG Manager Consulting Group (Sicily) IT - I.I.S. Isa Conti Eller Vainecher (Lipari island) IT - Istituto Statale Omnicomprensivo di Istruzione Secondaria (Pantelleria island) IT - Direzione Scolastica Regionale della Sicilia (Sicily) IT - Ce.Ri.S. Centro Ricerche Sociali (Rome) FR - Boutique de Gestion of Guadeloupe- Pro Gestion Partner (Guadeloupe) FR - Collège Montesoro (Corse) GR - KEK NOMOY KYKΛAΔΩN (Cyclades islands) PT - Direcção Regional de Formação Profissional da Madeira (Madeira island) PT - SOFATI – Sociedade de Formação e Aplicações Técnicas de Informática (Madeira island)

5 Isol Action - Rationale Key concept 2 - Competitiveness of Human Resources in Peripheral areas Weaknesses can be overcome by means of: Support (EU funds) Innovation (anticipation) Physical and cultural Mobility Sharing of ideas/alliances (peer to peer)

6 Isol Action - Rationale Key concept 3 - From best practices you can learn 1/2 To identify best practices (research): Which they were and What they have done: Selecting projects among the ones implemented within different EU Programmes (Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig, Interreg, Equal). Selecting projects considering 1.Project pertinence with respect to objectives indicated by the Programme within which it has been realised 2.Project relevance with respect to global national/regional strategies and policies 3.Level of coherence of the actions planned with respect to project general and specific aims 4. Importance and representativeness of the partnership 5.Projects that have been included in Transnational thematic workshops, at European, national level

7 Isol Action - Rationale Key concept 3 - From best practices you can learn 2/2 To short-circuit best practices (focus group): reporting the experience describing the competencies - what skills/competencies critical (relevant) for success? - what difficulties (lacking of competencies, experience, knowledge) met? during project planning and implementing

8 From competencies...to courseware 1 st Identification of Training needs, Learning areas and Contents Identification of competencies in EU project planning and implementing What competencies / knowledge: - can be transferred in self-learning modalities? - are the most critical and lacking? Selection of: Competencies/knowledge Contents Decision on: structure and contents of the courseware Development of didactic contents External evaluation Production of PROTOTYPE (Courseware) The process

9 From ISOL ACTION to OUT IN ISOL ACTIONOUT IN MODEL > THEORYPRODUCT > PRACTICE GENERAL COMPETENCIESPRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE & TECHNICAL ABILITES (TECHNICALITIES) EU PROJECT PLANNING & IMPLEMENTING EU MOBILITY PROJECT PLANNING taking into account that project sustainability largely depends on a sound planning (implications of planning for implementation) CONTENTS UNDERSTANDINGLEARNING (learning outcomes – ability to do something as a result of a learning activity) SELF-LEARNINGSELF-LEARNING + COACHING GENERAL TESTS aimed at verifying that a text has been understood (E.g.: What is a Gantt?) TESTS FOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT aimed at verifying exhaustiveness of learning and ability to put into practice what has been learnt (E.g.: Create a Gantt) BILINGUAL (IT, EN)MULTILINGUAL (IT, EN, GR, LV)

10 From ISOL ACTION to OUT IN: what competencies? General competencies in EU Project planning & implementing General and Distinctive competencies in EU Mobility projects planning ISOL ACTION OUT IN Mobility - General (Example) How to prepare a Plan to validate the training and skills acquired during a placement Mobility - Distinctive (Example) How to write an announcement for the selection of participants within EU funded projects

11 From ISOL ACTION to OUT IN: the Courseware ISOL ACTION MODULES (Archive) Some Modules will be included in OUT IN Some Modules will be revised, adapted and included in OUT IN Some new Modules will have to be developed

12 Session A Some decisions to take concerning OUT IN

13 Some strategic decisions to take.... Which competencies to focus on for adapting the Prototype? All critical Most critical How to carry out the field analysis foreseen in WP2? Focus Group Questionnaires (by mail) Face to face interviews Assisted Phone interviews (1: sending questionnaires, 2: realising interviews) What organisations (contexts) will be involved in Field analysis (WP2), Experimentation (WP4) and Transfer (WP6)? Typology Level of experience in Mobility actions

14 Thank you for your attention