HOW TO EVALUATE A MOBILITY PROJECT Training Unit 11.1 Procedures, tools and roles for the evaluation of a mobility project.


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Presentation transcript:

HOW TO EVALUATE A MOBILITY PROJECT Training Unit 11.1 Procedures, tools and roles for the evaluation of a mobility project.

How to evaluate a mobility project The evaluation work It is one process which accompanies another process (for example, the implementation of a plan). It is also a system which is progressively constructed, with its activities being carried out. The evaluation is inserted into a decision making cycle which accompanies and supports the running of the project and which can without any doubt be considered an important learning tool.

How to evaluate a mobility project The aims of the evaluation can be different: functional control; quality appreciation; measurement of the effectiveness of the actions implemented; evaluation of efficiency in the use of resources. Such aims should be made clear before the start of the project and the whole organisation of the evaluation is structured accordingly.

How to evaluate a mobility project It is advisable: That from the outset the evaluation and monitoring activities proceed in strict alignment with each other as the first feed on the information that comes from the second ones where monitoring checks that the managerial and operational decisions taken from the evaluation have the expected outcome. The integration between the two activities can be done through the formulation of a quality assurance plan which includes both and which for both of them identifies an analytical design and the operating modes.

How to evaluate a mobility project The planning of the evaluation process. (Some typical stages always exist, irrespective of rules; in particular): Definition of the task; key aspects of the evaluation process are identified, such as the role and interests of the customer, the other subjects involved (beneficiaries, partners, employees,..); and finally the macro evaluation objective (control, negotiation, reporting,..). Analysis of objectives and formulation of questions for the evaluation; this stage serves to make clear why we evaluate and to define what is important to evaluate. Assessment of resources; this step is essential to understand what it is actually possible to do.

How to evaluate a mobility project Specification of methodology, tools, timing, output; on the basis of available resources and the clarity of the task, the methods to be used are identified, the tools and the timings and the products of the evaluation (reports, seminars,.). Implementation of evaluation analysis; this stage is the very operational transition. In it the selected methodologies are applied, data and information are gathered and are elaborated on to make them usable. Use of the results of the evaluation; the final component serves to provide the system of reference with the results of the evaluation.

How to evaluate a mobility project How to evaluate a transnational mobility project The main specificity of a mobility project is to always have a dual subject to be considered: on the one hand, the attainment of the general objectives of the intervention; on the other hand, the achievement of the learning objectives of the beneficiaries in mobility.

How to evaluate a mobility project The different stages are: the evaluation of the project, in its organisational, managerial and relational aspects; the evaluation of the mobility experience (vocational internship or exchange) with regard to the acquired learning and the impact to be seen at the end of the project. Evaluation activities, like monitoring, must be able to measure the results achieved.

How to evaluate a mobility project Project Evaluation Other examples of indicators are: the level of interest generated by the project; the rate of implementation of the mobility experiences abroad; the degree of involvement of partners; the level of compliance with the expected timing and the execution of the work programme.

How to evaluate a mobility project Evaluation of the mobility experience A non-exhaustive list of indicators for the evaluation of the experience abroad includes: the satisfaction of the participants; the relevance of the work experience completed and the training stages achieved in respect of the needs analysis; the consistency of the training stages followed during the vocational training with the participants curriculum; the effectiveness of the tutoring work; the acquisition of new skills on the part of the beneficiaries.

How to evaluate a mobility project Some evaluation tools The availability of pre-arranged tools is practically unlimited: questionnaires, format, charts, interview drafts are easily available on the Internet or through the use of materials produced for other experiences. Nevertheless: it is appropriate that whoever is responsible for the evaluation within the projects pre-arranges ex novo tools which take account of the specific elements of transnational mobility as well as of the characteristics of the beneficiaries.

How to evaluate a mobility project The most common tool, as already mentioned, is the questionnaire. Three examples: The questionnaire edited by the sending organisation. The questionnaire filled in by the participant. The questionnaire edited by the host organisation and businesses. It is appropriate that the host organisations supply the coordinating body with a final report on the work carried out, together with an evaluation report for each participant.

How to evaluate a mobility project Content: The characteristics of an evaluation process: components of the evaluation plan. Aims and timing steps of evaluation. Planning of the constituent elements of the evaluation plan. The distinctive features of the mobility evaluation. The features of some evaluation tools and the roles involved in their use.