Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU Due Aug 10th Plan ahead Request assistance in the initial stage 1
Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU Simple Steps to follow Find a topics Feel free to pick a topic that is relevant and interesting and consult for viability Analyze employing the concepts learned and your research use internet (double check references on internet) use library use Textbook Prepare the deliverable Deliverable in the next slide
Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU Deliverable Consider your audience Assume you are working for the organization and reporting to your manager (a top level official) Prepare an executive memo 2 pages detailing major aspects of the project including result. Prepare a presentation Be professional in terms of dress-code, conduct, preparation Be concise on presentation- use agenda, bullet points 3
Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU Deliverable (Contd.) Prepare a written report Maximum 12 pages excluding appendix and cover page Be concise, provide evidence supporting your statements Attach irrelevant/large data in the appendix Appendix Include a Company Profile (Consider the template on the website) Place Survey question, data for chart and similar in the Appendix Choose professional line-spacing and font-size. Do not include definitions and limit quotes. Credit all your sources. Reduce your analysis data representation (graphs, tables) to fit in 1/3rd of a page per diagram 4
Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU Grading areas Correctness of the Analysis Support for statements with proofs- preferable with quantitative information. Thoughtfulness of the analysis Thoroughness of the analysis Spelling and grammatical errors Structure and organization of the paper including Clarity of the writing Presentation 5
Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU 6
Find a local organization and recommend improvement options considering their current operation ERP (or specific module) application analysis Improving quality of product/service Waiting line (queue) optimization analysis Product/service design Inventory management analysis Logistics collaboration in supply chains Improve the efficiency/performance of a plant Forecast analysis (technique) provide details and support your claims 7 MGT-314
Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU Find a local organization Identify a behavior that is undesirable Find a solution Use three textbook theory to support you Consider implementation consideration 8 MGT-321
Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU Find a local organization Create a company profile of the organization Find out three major (provide details and support your claims) challenges the org. has to resolve to stay competitive ways they can (more) take advantage of e- business empowerment areas operations 9 BUS-101