PREPARATORY ACTIVITIES Training Unit 6.3 How to plan the practical and logistic support in loco
Preparatory activities Paying attention to practice, logistics and organizational aspects must be made, as the mobility can be developed without snags and the assistance provide is effective. The European Quality Charter for Mobility also expects to guarantee logistics support for the participants, by ranging from available travel information, insurance modalities, up to the knowledge of aspects about hosting countries. This task invest all parts of the partnership, since each one owns different responsibilities for the management of the mobility
Preparatory activities There is a theoretical possibility that the final beneficiary looks after independently aspects as travel organisation or the stay in loco, it is essential that the promoter organisation always guarantees coordination and checks. Information about the country where the mobility is developed, that must be provided to the beneficiaries: Destination place and important organizations for developing the mobility experience; Representative and safeguard organisations of the beneficiary in the country where the mobility is developed; Currency change modalities, for countries not belonging to Euro area; Habits and customs of the hosting country; vocabulary about local language; characteristics of local public transport system; information about travel booking, stays at family, residence or hotel.
Preparatory activities Logistics aspects must be cleared very carefully, they are next ones: Travel information: in cooperation with the coordination organization and the hosting one, the dispatching organisation has to find the best option for transport regarding quality price relationship. The insurance cover: the insurance and the health of the participants must be always protected. Possible entry visa, residence and work permits: whoever owns an European Community Passport valid for ten years can stay in any EU country up to three months, without visa or work permit. Lodging: unfortunately, the financial tie often decides the typology of lodging since the financial parameters. Local transports and board: it is convenient the dispatching organization and the hosting one set all steps to support the beneficiary for a successful development of the mobility concerning the transits in loco and the board, the last one provided in cafeteria services of the enterprise where the mobility is developed too.
Preparatory activities Content Roles and responsibilities about organizing preparatory logistics activities. Logistics aspects to be looked after: travel; insurance and health cover, work permit, residence permit; board and lodging; local transports. Possibility of looking after some logistical aspects from the side of the beneficiaries.