Terence Milne South African Road Pavement Forum 13 & 14 November 2002 Conference Report Back: ICAP – 22 AUGUST 2002 COPENHAGEN AFRICON
ATTENDANCE Over 40 countries represented by nearly 400 delegates 34 Delegates from South Africa
SCOPE OF CONFERENCE Parallel Sessions Design Construction and Maintenance Performance Environment Accelerated testing Plenum Sessions
PRESENTATION Examples of World Wide presentations 120 papers presented
PLENUMS Perpetual Pavements Endurance of 50 years Asphalt Pavement Alliance (USA) Guidelines for Design and Construction UK: Long life pavements Europe 10 Road Laboratories Project
PLENUMS (cont.) e.g. Prof Per Ullidtz Analytical tools for design of flexible pavements -Analytical – empirical method of pavement design Differences between the assumptions for analytical models vs the reality of pavement materials and behaviour Keynote Addresses Linear electric theory vs back calculated layer moduli
PLENUMS (cont.) Keynote Addresses Analytical tools for design of flexible pavements Discrete element modeling deals with the forces on, and displacements of individual grains in a particulate medium
DESIGN Binder Rheology Belgium: Looking at reliable standard testing method Bending Beam Rheometer or Dynamic Rheometer Long term ageing USA Uncertainty and appropriate use of CBR design of air fields Japan Structural design of airport asphalt pavements on soil with high water table Design Parameters
DESIGN (cont.) Material Models UK Constitutive material modeling for asphalt mixes Elastic visco plastic model with input required from uniaxial test data (3 temperature and 3 displacement rates) Netherlands Design aspects for wearing courses on orthotropic steel bridge decks Development of a FEM based model going beyond linear elastic theory FEM modeling of elasticity, plasticity, cracking
DESIGN (cont.) Materials Models Netherlands Tools developed for the better understanding of the interaction between the different components of the structure Permanent deformation of asphalt concrete pavement: development of a non-linear visco elastic model for mix design analysis FE simulations compared to real pavement data South Africa Non-linear visco elastic constitutive model to describe the rutting behaviour of asphalt
PERFORMANCE The design and performance of thin surfacing layers Europe: Role of the binder considered Possible failure criteria considered
CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE Towards a Performance Related Seal Design Method South Africa: Japan and USA: Compaction of HMA using a high frequency, double drum vibrating roller Relationship between roller speed, vibrating frequency, number of roller impacts per metre and its effect on density obtained on a HMA pavement layer
IMPRESSIONS Materials modeling based on fundamental materials characteristics using both Theoretical and Empirical relationships (reality always differs from a model with its assumptions)
IMPRESSIONS Papers content ranged from highly involved simulations to practical papers such as roller compaction Cost of technology Europe and USA not always agreeing on the way forward South Africa to take the best from both groups Risk assessment in design using probabilities and modeling
IDEAS FOR CAPSA Good mix of plenaries and specialist parallel sessions Include all events in conference price to keep affordable, and delegates involved Good idea of display in lunch and tea area CAPSA compares well, personal touch too