Total U.S. Federal Lands
Total Percentage of Federal Land Ownership
Percentage of Federal Lands in Each State 4 western states have more than 62% of their land owned by the federal government
Percent Change In Expenditures Per Pupil over the last 20+ years * 12 of the 17 states with the lowest real growth in per pupil expenditures are in western states
Total Percentage of Federal Land Ownership
Percent Change In Expenditures Per Pupil over the last 20+ years * 12 of the 17 states with the lowest real growth in per pupil expenditures are in western states
Total Percentage of Federal Land Ownership
State and Local Taxes as A Percent of Personal Income in 2008
Percent Change in Projected Enrollment
Annual Property Tax Revenue Lost due to Federal Land Ownership States cannot assess property tax on federal lands- estimated total impact on Western States from loss of tax revenue : $4, 157, 803, 825
Annual Property Tax Loss to Public Education
School Trust Lands School trust lands are difficult to administer because they are surrounded by federal lands
Federal Land Ownership Hinders Education Funding in Western States