The Fantastic Four + Silver Surfer
“I sometimes give my buddy a couple of bucks for lottery tickets whenever he goes out of state. It doesn’t hurt to try winning.” –Jacob Seeley “Utah’s public education system is lousy.” “The public school system is a business that is blessed by the funds from the state.” -Anita Wilson
Risking anything of value for a return or risking anything of value upon the outcome of a contest, game, gaming scheme, or gaming device when the return or outcome: is based upon an element of chance; and is in accord with an agreement or understanding that someone will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome. "Gambling" includes a lottery and fringe gambling. "Gambling" does not include: a lawful business transaction; or playing an amusement device that confers only an immediate and unrecorded right of replay not exchangeable for value.
He/She participates in gambling; knowingly permits any gambling to be played, conducted, or dealt upon or in any real or personal property owned, rented, or under the control of the actor, whether in whole or in part; or knowingly allows the use of any video gaming device that is: in any business establishment or public place; and accessible for use by any person within the establishment or public place.
Utahans made nearly 1.5 million trips out of state to casinos in That was high enough for the Salt Lake metro area to rank No. 44 among the nation's cities for generating casino trips (Davidson).
$6 million of Utah’s money goes to Idaho! Kwik Stop owner in Idaho says that Nearly 100% of the people who buy lottery tickets are from Utah.
The hosting state takes a portion to use for schools and community projects. People know that the lottery was instigated in some states as a way to benefit the community, even if they don’t know how much money goes where.
“Utah’s public education system is lousy.”-Anita Wilson According to the Utahans for Public Schools (UTPS) Utah spent an average of $5,437 per pupil in Nationally states were spending $9,138, that’s a difference of $3,702. This difference left Utah as one of the states that spends the least amount per student nationally.
Utah Prisons and Juvenile Detention Centers closing due to lack of funding Rearrange tax revenue to fund these necessary institutions.
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“Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.”